You wanted your second child to be a girl but god sent me.

You wanted your second child to be a girl but god sent me.

 Thank you Amma…

You wanted your second child to be a girl but god sent me. Though everyone were upset, you accepted me and raised me with your unconditional love.

I heard from you and everyone that i was the naughtiest child and always made you run around and given you so much trouble. You even told me even that you used to tie me to the window grill with the thread so that you can do your house work but I never felt that as you have never shown that pain to me Amma.

You took all the effort to make me study, i remember you use to read all your 3 children’s school books. You taught us and educated us. An average student like me would be able to clear the degree just because of you, You are a great Teacher. 

You taught me to respect everyone, I remember once that you scolded me for disrespecting one provision store person, when i called him NEE, VAA, POO… and you made sure that am not repeating those mistakes in life.
If somebody appreciates about my discipline or respectful nature. Credit goes only to you.

You are the first person to know all my relationships from college, you allowed me to learn out of my mistakes And you taught me to respect every women.

When I wanted to enter Film industry and when no one in our family was in favour of that including Appa. You believed in me and stood by me with a condition of completing my degree. A very small achievement I could make in this film industry is only because of you.

Whenever I am in the process of writing or creating a scene on the sets, As I know you will see the film once it’s ready. The values you taught m e were always in the back of my mind Amma. You always wants me to make a clean film, especially without disrespecting woman. You are always proud of me for that, irrespective of my film success. I will make sure I will continue to make you feel the same till the time I make movies and exist in this film industry.

You were managing and balancing each one of us in the Family. Literally 4 different minds, You are the bounce board for everyone. You know you are the first person who i share all my happiness and worries. You were a pillar of strength to all of us, I could sail through all my tough times and failures only because of you Amma.

I know your world is your children and you dedicated your life for us.
You should also know that you were our universe and You are my my first love forever.

For the past 3 years you were unwell and you have been hospitalised many times but You always fought strongly and bounced back like a fighter, you even surprised the doctors last time and got better when they insisted you to be put in the ventilator.

On 16th July night we sat and spoke in our house living room ( like we do every night ). You promised me that you are going to be better and going to live with us for the next few years to raise my kids as the way you raised me. But 17th july Morning you left me and all of us. I Am sure you will fulfil all those dreams & wishes as our GOD.

But how will I THANK YOU AMMA for all that you have done for me…

Am going to deeply miss your smiling face when I am leaving home and when I come back home.

Am going to miss all your lunch phone calls.

Am going to miss you till my last breath.

I just want to say finally

See you soon on the other side of the world.

Your ever loving son,
(Vijay to the world)
 Mrs. Valliammai
08/06/56 – 17/07/2022