Wild Stone launches its first unisex perfume ‘Sense’ to celebrate the sense of smell

Wild Stone launches its first unisex perfume ‘Sense’ to celebrate the sense of smell

Wild Stone launches its first unisex perfume ‘Sense’ to celebrate the sense of smell

  • Wild Stone Sense is a fragrance offering made in collaboration with visually challenged individuals with enhanced sense of smell from NGO Saksham
  • The packaging of the product is unique in itself with the branding written in Braille for use and appreciation by the visually challenged consumers

New Delhi: Wild Stone, one of the leading fragrance brands of India from the house of McNROE Consumer Products Pvt Ltd, has launched its unique fragrance ‘Sense’, meant to celebrate the sense of smell as a great unifier experience as felt by both visually challenged as well as sighted individuals. It is not unusual that in the absence of visual information, the brain rewires itself to enhance other senses like the sense of smell. Hence, working on the concept, McNROE came up with a one-of-a-kind unisex perfume as an ode to the visually challenged people.

Perfumes are a language on their own; they speak of different memories, a symphony of experience which are felt and experienced in different ways by every individual making it unique but universal in its nature. Wild Stone Sense is a fragrance offering made to celebrate the universal language of smell. Through this association, Wild Stone will help towards the welfare and upliftment of the visually challenged community as proceeds from the sales would go towards donation.

Talking about the launch of Sense and the initiative, Mr. Ankit Daga, Head – Business Development, McNROE Consumers Product Pvt Limited, said: “We are living in an unprecedented time today which the world has never witnessed. In times like these, people are looking for positivity and hope, and we thought it made sense to launch ‘Wild Stone Sense’ as a product that cuts across all barriers of sight and unifies every individual in our sense of smell. We are grateful to Givaudan for their help and expertise in creating this wonderful fragrance for a wonderful cause. Itu Chaudhuri Design (ICD) has done a fabulous job by strategizing and creating a pack that speaks for the Sense campaign. What makes this initiative special is that Sense has been co-created with some gifted visually challenged individuals from NGO Saksham as a fragrance that is a testimony to positivity and hope in today’s time”.

Wild Stone Sense is largely driven by perception and its bright packaging of the rainbow-inspired colours indicates the joyous nature of life. The thought behind Sense is to present a unique offering which represents an idea of a positive and happy world as perceived by every individual, whether by seeing or by smelling and feeling it. McNROE joined hands with Givaudan (the world’s largest company in the flavour and fragrance industries) to create ‘Sense’ – a fragrance that celebrates the power of perfume to evoke strong and emotional reactions, memories and associations.

“Wild Stone, through the unique fragrance, not only aims at imparting a sense of optimism and happiness to the wearer but also a sense of responsibility and pride to the buyer for having contributed to the noble cause of the welfare of the visually challenged. The packaging is unique in itself with the branding written in Braille for use and appreciation by the visually challenged consumers. It is, in fact, the first-of-its-kind Braille typography on a perfume bottle in India,” added Mr. Ankit Daga.

About Wild Stone

Wild Stone is a well-known leading male grooming-personal care brand from Mc NROE Consumer Products Pvt Ltd. Known best for its range of deodorants and  perfumes; Wild Stone operates in multiple product categories like fragrances, shaving essentials, talc and soap. The brand is known for its quirky messaging and award winning campaigns that have built connect with its young target audience.

About McNROE

The house of McNROE was created with a singular objective to, “Improve the quality of life.” Home to celebrated brands like Wild Stone, Secret Temptation, Heaven’s Garden, Code and Knox- it offers the finest products across diverse categories like perfumes, grooming essentials and hygiene goods. McNROE began its journey in 1986 from a small factory near Bhadrak, Orissa. In all these years it has not just built the most loved brands but also won the hearts of its consumers with its premium quality products.