WhiteHat Jr expands product portfolio with the launch of music

WhiteHat Jr expands product portfolio with the launch of music

WhiteHat Jr Expands Product Portfolio with the Launch of Music

Online education has seen an exponential rise in the last two years; the pandemic further accelerated online learning across categories, making it a more acceptable format to learn. These circumstances have led to added emphasis on building life skills and creative abilities among children to prepare them for life. WhiteHat Jr that has led live one-on-one online classes for Coding and Math has announced the launch of its Music curriculum. This launch aligns with the brand’s strategy to inspire a generation of children to create versus consume. The company also plans to make Music commercially available in the USA and India after incorporating feedback from the beta testing phase.

In a short period, WhiteHat Jr pioneered coding as a category in India. It is now attempting to replicate the suc cess they achieved with Coding, to make Music learning mainstream for kids. As one of the world’s largest online live one-on-one learning platforms (having conducted more than 8.5 million live classes to date), Wh iteHat Jr is in a unique position to offer seamless delivery of Music classes, specifically piano and guitar, online.

Karan Bajaj, Founder and CEO, WhiteHat Jr, said, “Multiple studies show that music ignites all areas of a child’s development. From academic development to a transformation in self-esteem, learning to create music fundame ntally transforms a child’s life. The insights received from conducting thousands of live classes every day on their tech-enabled platform explicitly built to deliver live online one-on-one classes gives us the confidence to extend this capability to deliver a seamless experience with Music as well.”

WhiteHat Jr has selected two of the most preferred instruments in international markets – Guitar and Piano— and expects huge traction globally as these are the two most popular beginner instruments. Overall, WhiteHat Jr is excited that learning the guitar and piano will now become accessible to millions of kids all over the world, giving them the absolute freedom and creativity in creating music.Moreover, it’s interesting to note that no lar ge-scale player has attempted to create their own curriculum. “We see this as a huge opportunity to set the be nchmark for online music learning. Like in coding where kids learnt coding by creating their own digital products e.g. animations, games and apps, we’re following the same philosophy of learning by creating. Kids will learn mu sic by creating their own signature tunes, compositions and albums.” signs off Karan.