#WeMetOnTwitter: Love in the digital age

  WeMetOnTwitter: Love in the digital age

Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and nothing warms the cockles of the heart like a good love story. In the dig ital age, love is just a Tweet away! It’s no surprise given that Twitter is the conversational layer of the internet an d people come to the service to talk about what’s happening and connect with like-minded individuals.

Oftentim es on Twitter, people find those who ‘get them’ forming meani ngful bonds. In fact, people go on to share such st ories on the service, re counting how they met on Twitter, with the hashtag #WeMetO nTwi tter.


The conversation about #WeMetOnTwitter is steadily growing in India with 370% more Tweets about it in the last year (2021) than in 2020. Not only that, this year (2022) in just one month (January-February) we have seen the conversation increase by 28%.

Embeddable tweet: https://twitter.com/TwitterIndia/status/1491996667725426706

Lastly, while love is in the air, remember that platonic love can prompt co nversations and connections too. Throu gh the power of conversations, Twitter has brought people closer and enabled connections and communities. Wi th #WeMetOnTwitter we aim to find such stories of meaningful bonds, to be continued…