Watching the special scene of the film A ram Sey, created by director S. Balu Vaid yanathan, Thol. Thirumavalavan praised and spoke:
We watched the film Aram Sey, which w as created by director S. Balu Vaidyanat han, who took on all the responsibilities of story writing, direction, and cinemato graphy.
Suwetha, the co-producer of the film, ha s also acted as the protagonist of the sto ry.
He has made this film with the theme th at the goal is not regime change but poli tical change. He has made this story bas ed on the theme of how the students be longing to the community of the wise ar e affected by the privatization of college s as a storyline and on the basis that no new change can be made in politics with out fundamental change, and on the bas is of the youth who are fighting to form a movement called Aram Sey political or ganization.
Medical college students are leading a h unger strike to prevent the college from being privatized. After starting a contin uous hunger strike and then ending it wi th a hunger strike until death, the stude nts become targets of violence due to p olitical interventions. A student who is p rotesting is murdered. The director has also created a position in this film that t he struggle is moving towards the next s tage. On the one hand, a change in politi tics should be created as a whole. Politi cs should be run according to the constit ution created by the revolutionary Amb edkar. The thoughts of people like the g enius Kar Max should reach the people. Anjana Keerthi has taken on the role of the young heroines on the basis that the working class including the farmers sho uld be mobilized. She has played the role of a vibrant young woman with revoluti onary thoughts. They form a new organi zation with the slogan of doing good dee ds and politics. Armed struggle is not a s olution to bring about fundamental cha nge, the constitution created by Ambed kar is enough, he teaches that the peopl le are our weapons. She was born in a no ble family and is the granddaughter of a Supreme Court judge but was inspired b y the poems of Mahakavi Bharatiyar. Sh e was fascinated by Netaji Subhash Cha ndra Bose’s thoughts. A young woman, a dynamic woman who wanted to make th e dream of the revolutionary Ambed kar come true, formed a political and ideolo gical army under her leadership and decl ared a protest when they besieged the S ecretariat.
That protest turned into a mass protest. People belonging to various organizatio ns joined the Sixth Amendment political organizations to besiege the Secretariat In addition, at the instigation of the Chie f Minister and the ruling party, goons ca used violence in the rally and threw bom bs and went on a rampage. Two militant s lost their lives in it. Anjana Keerthi pla yed a role that taught the Leftists that e ven in the face of such deaths, our journ ey should not stop and the journey towa rds the goal should be intensified. Even t hough his grandfather, a Supreme Court judge, tried to correct him, the politics y ou taught me is what drives me. You pla nted it as a seed that day, and that seed has grown and blossomed today. So whe n he leaves, saying, “I am ready to face a nything for the sake of this nation and fo or the freedom of the people,” his grand father gives him the gun, saying, “Your p ath is dangerous. Keep my gun for your s afety.” When he returns the gun to his gr andfather, he says, The struggle we are waging is dangerous.Weapons are not t he solution. The people are our weapons The trust people have in us is our safety, so we don’t need weapons.” Thus, direct or S. Balu Vaidyanathan plays the role of Thileepan.
He leads and leads the college’s strugg le. But the struggle did not reach a soluti on, it did not take the form of a mass str uggle, so he decides to join the Aram Sey political organization and fight for politi cal change. In such an environment, whe n there is a desire to join the organizatio n with weapons, the young woman who can lead the Aram Sey political organiza tion cannot find a solution to the struggl gle by taking up arms as you think.
People cannot be an organization, we m ust use the people as our weapon, we m ust politicize the people, we must travel towards the goal of fundamental politic al change. Director S. Balu Vaidyanatha n concludes this film by saying that ever yone should continue our journey toget her by taking a cue from the medical coll ege students. He has included scenes lik e how the student community is being r uined by political interference, how the youth are affected, how cannabis addic tion is spreading among students in coll eges, how they are being degraded by al cohol addiction. His aim is very commen dable. The one-line idea of this film is th at our people’s struggle should be a stru ggle for a visible change, not a struggle f or regime change. With a revolutionary mindset, knowledge should be used as a weapon, not a solution. Leaders have gui ded us by example. We should absorb th ose leaders like Max Ambedkar and Peri yar and work in this field. This film by dir ector S. Balu Vaidyanathan, Araam Sey, i s a film that teaches everyone who is stri ving for revolutionary change. My congr atulations to the director, said Thol Thir umavalavan.