Venom 2 Tamil Movie (Dabbed From English ) Movie Review

Venom 2 Tamil Movie (Dabbed From English ) Movie Review


Tom Hardy , Michelle Williams , Naomie Harris , Reid Scott , Stephen Graham , Woody Harrelson  etc.


Directer –  Andy Serkis ,Screenplay  –  Kelly Marcel ,Story  – Tom Hardy * Kelly Marcel  (Based on Marvel Comics)
ProduceR – Avi Arad  *Matt Tolmach * Amy Pascal * Kelly Marcel *Tom Hardy *Hutch Parker ,   Cinematography  – Robert Richardson , Editer – Maryann Brandon*Stan Salfas , Music  –  Marco Beltrami , Production companies – C olumbia Pictures * Marvel Entertainment * Tencent Pictures *Pascal Pictures ,Distributer – Sony Pictures   Rele ase date September 14, 2021 (London) ,October 1, 2021 (United States) Running time – 97 minutes Country – Un ited States ,Origtnel Language – English ,Tamil Movie  P R O – Suresh Chandra Rekha D”One etc.


In 1996, a young Cletus Kasady watches helplessly as his love, Frances Barrison, is taken away from St. Estes Home for Unwanted Children to the Ravencroft Institute. On the way, she uses her sonic scream powers to es cape and attacks young police officer Patrick Mulligan. He shoots Barrison in the eye and suffers an injury to his ear due to her scream. Unbeknownst to Mulligan, who believes he killed her, Barrison is taken to the facility, wh ich is hardened against her powers.In the present day, Mulligan, now a detective, contacts Eddie Brock to speak to Kasady, a serial killer who refuses to talk to anyone other than Brock following their interview a year prior.[N 1] After the visit, Venom, Eddie’s symbiote, is able to figure out where Kasady has hidden the body of victims, w hich gives Brock a huge career boost. Brock is then contacted by his ex-fiancée Anne Weying, who tells him that she is now engaged to Dr. Dan Lewis, much to Venom’s displeasure.

Kasady, who was found guilty of his crimes and earlier sentenced to death by lethal injection, invites Brock over to San Quentin State Prison, where Kasady is detained on death row, to attend his execution. However, Venom is provoked to attack Kasady via insults towards Brock. Kasady bites Brock’s hand, ingesting a small part of the symbiote. Back home, Venom, wanting more freedom to eat bad people, has an argument with Brock, and the two end up fighting until the symbiote detaches from his body; they go their different ways.Kasady’s execution fails when a red symbiote emerges and blocks the injection. It introduces himself as Carnage and goes on a violent rampage through the prison, freeing inmates and killing guards. Kasady and Carnage then make a deal: Carnage will help Kasady break out Barrison from Ravencroft, and Kasady will help him eliminate Venom. Mulligan calls Brock and warns him about the situation. In Ravencroft, Kasady frees Barrison, and they travel to their old children’s home to burn it down.

Mulligan, suspicious of Brock due to his interactions with Kasady before Carnage emerged, takes Brock to the police station. Brock refuses to answer Mulligan’s questions and contacts Weying as his lawyer. Brock reveals that Venom has separated from him and needs the symbiote to fight Carnage together. As Venom makes his way through San Francisco by hopping from body to body, Weying finds and convinces him to forgive Brock. She bon ds with Venom and breaks Brock out of the police station. Brock and Venom make amends and bond again.Kas ady takes Mulligan hostage, and Barrison captures Weying after failing to find Brock. Barrison gives Lewis infor mation on Weying’s whereabouts, and he gives it to Brock. Kasady and Barrison plan to get married at a cath edral, where Venom appears and fights Carnage. Barrison seemingly kills Mulligan by hanging him onto a chain. Venom holds his own against his spawn, but he is eventually overpowered brutally by Carnage, and the latter decides to kill Weying atop the cathedral. Venom manages to rescue Weying in time and provokes Barrison to use her powers again; her sonic blast causes both symbiotes to separate from their hosts as the cathedral coll apses and a falling bell kills Barrison.

Venom saves Brock by bonding with him before the impact. Carnage tries to bond with Kasady again, but Venom devours the symbiote, killing it. Kasady states that he only wanted to be Brock’s friend, but Venom bites Kasad y’s head off. While Brock, Venom, Weying, and Lewis escape, a still-living Mulligan’s eyes flash blue. Brock and Venom decide to take a vacation while they ponder their next steps.In the mid-credits scene, Venom tells Brock about the symbiotes’ knowledge of other universes. But, before Venom can show him, a blinding light transports them from their hotel room to another room where they watch J. Jonah Jameson reveal Spider-Man‘s identity as Peter Parker on television 

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Movie Review-;

That fact may not bode especially well for future spinoffs and integrations within the so-called “Spider-Verse,” but one senses that director Andy Serkis, screenwriter Kelly Marcel and star/producer Tom Hardy are aware of this weakness. And they made the smart choice to lean into the oddball relationship between Eddie Brock and his alien symbiote Venom. So, with an eye to making the sequel even more of a smash at the box office, ever yth ing that is not about quips and yes, carnage, has been shed. The result, coming in under 100 minutes, should have been an adrenaline rush, but instead feels like a theme park ride at the wrong speed setting. Characters have to practically scream their internal motivations, because there is no time for showing – only telling.There is nothing remotely necessary about this sequel, which is itself a fruitless line of judgment to get into when it comes to any movie let alone franchise building blocks. But that also seems to free “Venom 2” to get weirder and more irrever ent than the first movie, when it seemed like no one could decide how seriously they were taking themselves. Tur ns out “not very” was the right answer. Following the events of the first movie, investigative reporter Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) has come to a comfortable, if fraught, living arrangement with the alien Venom – the being that lives in Brock’s body in a symbiotic arrangement. Brock feeds Venom, while Venom grants him super stre ngth and agility.Imprisoned serial killer Cletus Kasady (Woody Harrelson) offers Brock a once-in-lifetime int er view, but may have a sinister motive – one that involves Cletus’s incarcerated girlfriend, Frances (Naomie Harris). Also known as Shriek, she is a mutant who can emit body-shredding screams.Here we meet up with Eddie and Venom in what Serkis has called their “odd couple” phase.

Unfortunately because it is still a superhero adjacent movie, we can’t just watch Eddie go about his days sweaty and bothered with his chatty symbiote never giving him a moment of peace. There must be a villain and a threat and some ridiculous motivation as to why Eddie and Venom have to get involved at all.This is where Woody Har relson comes in, as the lovesick serial killer Cletus Kasady who wants Eddie (who is apparently still working as an investigative journalist) to write his life story. Harrelson seems to be having fun as the psychopath murderer wh o only wants to get back to his true love, played by an offensively underutilized Naomie Harris.Later, Cletus will get his own symbiote and become the titular Carnage. And even as the movie devolves into garish and nonsen sical action (in Grace Cathedral of all places), it still retains enough awareness to have Carnage sincerely shout the title of the movie at a climatic moment. Eddie is in full bachelor mode as his ex, Anne (Michelle Williams), has recently gotten engaged to Dan (Reid Scott, who is a perfectly game and unflappable punching bag).Eddie and his symbiote live in his tiny San Francisco apartment in near squalor and bicker all day long and it is really quite amusing. Venom loves to give advice — relationship and otherwise. It’s like an ongoing inner monologue, just with an oily alien whose ideal meal is human brains (don’t worry, Eddie has instituted a chicken and chocolate on ly rule). In one scene set to “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off,“ Venom decides the only way to cheer Eddie up is to ma ke bacon for breakfast. Lawyer Anne Weying (Michelle Williams), Brock’s former fiancee, is pulled into the case when his links to Kasady attract the suspicion of the police.It is puzzling why producers would rope in stars with the calibre of Hardy, Williams, Harris and Harrelson – only to have them mainly perform runs and jumps. But at least they brought in someone qualified to direct a movie that is mainly physical, when it is not taken over by computer graphics.

To helm this work, English actor Andy Serkis relies on his expertise playing motion-capture characters such as Snoke from the Star Wars films (2015 to 2019) and Gollum from the Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings franchises (2001 to 2014).Like Brock, this movie is a hybrid, except for one entity – the over-caffeinated cartoon, which strangles the life out of the human story hosting it.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-3 /5