This year, Fr. Stephan Rothlin, S.J., Ph.D., Director of the Macau Ricci Institute, and CEO of Rothlin International Management Consulting Ltd 

This year, Fr. Stephan Rothlin, S.J., Ph.D., Director of the Macau Ricci Institute, and CEO of Rothlin International Management Consulting Ltd 

 XLRI holds 28th Annual JRD Tata Oration on Business Ethics

 8th February 2021: XLRI- Xavier School of Management, one of India’s premier B-Schools, recntly hosted the 28th Annual JRD Tata Oration on Business Ethics on virtual mode.

 This year, Fr. Stephan Rothlin, S.J., Ph.D., Director of the Macau Ricci Institute, and CEO of Rothlin International Management Consulting Ltd delivered the oration. Fr Rothlin gave his speech on ‘China The Emerging Superpower: The Ethical Underpinnings.’

  Fr. Stephan Rothlin’s oration speech emphasized on the ethical perspectives and explained the key elements of business ethics, which he has been teaching in business schools in Beijing, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, and Taiwan for the last 23 years that will allow business leaders and entrepreneurs to understand and embrace the challenge of moral leadership in business. He shared his insights about business ethics in China, like the incre asing importance of the local Confusion culture and its values. Case studies should be used as the most effective pedagogy for business ethics. Business schools should combine both the wisdom and traditions of India and China to cultivate moral virtues. Talking about China’s dramatic economic transformation, he referred to the data from the 2019 & 2020 OECD economic survey and shared some outstanding figures vis-à-vis the growth of China.  The growth has slowed in the first half of 2020 but remains strong. China has managed to control Covid-19 pandemic and will remain the major driver of global growth, as is reflected by China’s significantly high GDP growth.

In his oration, he said, “China witnessed enormous trade frictions, which hurt not only both sides but also the global economy. As per the figures of the OCED, when we have 25 % of tariffs on goods worth USD 50 billion is another key factor, the impact of this trade frictions shaving off ¼ percent of Chinese and US GDP and reduce world trade by 0.4% by 2020. Import volumes in both the countries decline by ¾ percent, and in the US, CPI inflation rise by 0.2 ppt in both 2019 and 2020 as a result of higher import prices due to tariffs. Other countries are negatively affected through declining trade growth, through in the longer term, benefit from an improved competitive position in the US market. The saving rate remains very high, even though it has decreased over the past decade. China as an emerging superpower intends to be a major player in taking responsibility for the environment”.

 He observed, China has made impressive gains claiming to have lifted 700 million people out of poverty in 40 years since the open door policy. China should be given credit for the alleviation of mass poverty and handling the COVID-19 crisis very well after initial failures. If China manages to opt for a more sustainable economic growth, it would si gnific antly impact the world economy”.        

 He pointed out, “I consider social business as a bridge between business and academia. India has made much progress in this area for many years. Original research on Chinese moral philosophy and its contribution to the interreligious dialo gue on business ethics must be very concrete. We have to further push for original research on case studies emerging from Chinese and Asian business experiences. The common complaint is that the case studies from the business schools are still too reliant on American and European case studies. We have to develop online resource distribution further”. 

 While presenting several case studies focusing on the importance of Business Ethics, Dr. Rothlin, in one of the case studies, weighs “Business ethics and the sciences” and referred to the lesson from Sanlu’s Melamine –Tainted milk crisis in China. Since science is reality-based, a business must be reality-based as well, and he said, “The Covid -19 crisis certainly pushed us to take sciences more seriously. Failure to observe the scientific specification associated with comp anies’ goods may result in serious harm not only to the customers of such products but also to the firm itself and its leadership.  Sanlu’s tainted milk crisis has a devastating effect until now, and the Chinese are very skeptical abou t consuming their own products. So if everyone cheats, then there is no advantage to be gained by cheating. Just as lying destroys trust in personal relationships, so fraud destroys trust in businesses”.


In his welcome address, Fr. P. Christie, S. J. Director of XLRI said, “Globalization has further enhanced the importance of ethical, moral compass in business. Globalization means that business strategy and business ethics cannot be separated from each other. Corporations have entered a new era, the “prove-to-me” era. Unethical practices and organizations are not being shrugged off anymore. Even reputed organizations and some outstanding CEOs are named, shamed and fined, or imprisoned for their ethical lapses the world over. The culture of an organization is established by the tone set at the top. Chief executives must lead by example.”

“XLRI has always emphasized the importance of adopting an ethical code of conduct within the corporate world. We believe that no management education curriculum is entirely complete unless and until the students are instilled with a set of values that are necessary decision-making ingredients for the corporate manager today. In 1991, XLRI, in association with a few select Tata Group Companies, established the XLRI-JRD Tata Foundation for Business Ethics to mark their long-standing commitment and contribution to business ethics in India. The Foundation seeks to address itself by publicly affirming the imperative need for adopting ethics in business and striving to shape an enabling eco-system to foster ethical business practices. Mr. JRD Tata, himself a role model extraordinary, set the bar high for the successive Ethics orations for over two decades as the first orator. We are delighted to have Fr. (Dr.) Stephan Rothlin, S.J. to deliver the 28th ‘Annual JRD Tata Oration on Business Ethics’ this year,” Fr. Christie further said in his address.   

Brief Profile of Fr. (Dr.) Stephan Rothlin, S.J.

Dr. Stephan Rothlin is the Director of the Macau Ricci Institute (  He is also the founder and CEO of Rothlin International Management Consulting Ltd., located in Beijing and Hong Kong (www.rothlin.o rg). He is a Jesuit priest from Switzerland who has been working in China for the last 22 years. His teaching and research interests are focused on international business ethics and responsible entrepreneurship, focusing on China. He provides educational consulting services to encourage corporate social responsibility. He advocates business communities and society to adopt the values of honesty, integrity, respect, transparency, and respons ibility as indispensable elements for business excellence.

Dr. Rothlin earned his PhD. in moral theology at the State University of Innsbruck, Austria and is fluent in six languages, including Mandarin Chinese, English, Spanish, Italian, French, and German. From 2005 –2013, he was Secretary-General for the Center for International Business Ethics, Beijing, and Chairman of the Association of International Business Ethics in Hong Kong. He has become a sought-after speaker on international business ethics throughout business schools in Asia. 

XLRI – JRD Tata Foundation in Business Ethics

XLRI- Xavier School of Management, in association with a few select Tata Group Companies, established in 1991 the XLRI – JRD Tata Foundation in Business Ethics, to mark their long-standing commitment and contribution to business ethics in India. The Foundation seeks to address itself by publicly affirming the urgent need for ethics in business and the need to bring about a conducive culture in which it can thrive.  The activities that this Foundati on  envisages are an annual ‘JRD Tata Oration on Business Ethics,’ recognition and presentation of the ‘JRD Tata Award for Business Ethics’ to an eminent person who has distinguished oneself in business ethics, and the setting up of the JRD Tata Chair in Business Ethics at XLRI for the advancement of research in this field.XLRI is the first B-school in the country to introduce a core course on “Managerial Ethics” for both its HRM and BM programs.  Each year, XLRI confers a medal on the best student in Managerial Ethics at the institute’s annual convocation.

About XLRI

XLRI-Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur is a premier, private management institute in India founded in 1949 by Fr Quinn Enright, S.J. in the ‘steel city’ of Jamshedpur ( Over the last seven decades, the institute has grown into a top-ranking business management school of international repute with a wide portfolio of management programs and research publications. Its alumni are spread around the globe and have demonstr ated responsible business leadership in their organizations. XLRI continually strives to contribute its mite to the professional growth and management of numerous organizations and institutions across industry sectors. XLRI has been awarded two prestigious International Accreditations, viz., AACSB – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and AMBA – Association of MBAs. XLRI has also earned the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) accreditation.