The Sixth Land Tamil Movie Review

The Sixth Land Tamil Movie Review


Baskar Mahendran,Jeevesvaran Thamizharasi,Nowfer Alm  , Jeevesvaran Ambikai ,Jeevesvaran Anbarasi ,Man mathan Basky ,Kavivezham Bharathibalan ,  Chas Burns,Sevakumar Dilakshan ,Thurairaja Dishanthan  ,Jeevar atn am Jeevesvaran   ,Mullai Jesuthasan ,Sinnathanby Kamalakanthan ,Tamil Kavi , Sivaloganathan Kijay  , Kiruba Kiritha ran, Murali Krish,Navayuga Kugarajah ,Muralitharan Mayuran ,Soosai Muththu , Soosai Muththu,Kesa varajan Nav aratnam, Liloosan Navlogini ,Parasuraman Niranjan ,Rathnakumar Nirojan  ,Thulanjan Nirosha,  Ant hnimuththu Julian Pushparajah ,Ramasami Rajeshwaran , Rasakumar Rishana  ,Kugenthi Rubil  ,Rasathurai San thakumar ,  Kanapathy Sarvananda ,Sellathurai Satheeskumar ,Krishanan Selvapavan,,Vanitha Senathirajah, Anton Shiva ,Ravin Sure , Ansistes Jebanesan Thanuvan,Sanmugam Thavasi , Tharmaratnam Thavayogan ,Anth onippilai Juliya Thusanthi ,Vaji Varan , Rajah Antony Vithoozen etc.         



Story and Directer – Anantha Ramanan ,  Producer – Baskaran Kandiah , Producer of Marketing and Distribution – Anomaa Rajakaruna ,Cinematography -Siva Santhakumar, Editing – Sajeeth Jeyakumar  ,Art –  Thurairaja Dish anthan  , Costume Designer -Nallaiah Savesan ,Makeup Department – Lahiru Nishan,*Assistant makeup – artist Mano Selvaraj, Production manager -Parasuraman Niranjan *Assistant production manager -Sinnathanby Kam alak anthan, Music director – Chinthaka Jayakody ,Production – Ibc Tamil, Consultant – Anomaa Rajakaruna  ***  Refining the dialogue – Bharathibalan * Kavivezham ,Poster designer – Ananth Maraavi , Poster design – Goliyath Maraavi   Subtitles –  Anthonimuththu Julian Pushparajah P R O -Nikkil Murugan etc.

Story -;

The film revolves around a young mother, a victim of the war who represents the generation of civil war-torn women, children, and mothers of Northern Sri Lanka, but it makes the audience realize that the aftermath of war is universal. The location of the film shows the sixth type of land that the war created. Everyone is full of hopes, but what they seek makes the difference. The characters are fighting a different war.

Watch The Trailor-;

Movie Review-;

The Eelam war is still a scar on the hearts of Tamils. The tears and drops of blood of millions of people are still telling history in Eelam This “Sixth LAND” is a film made to let the world know that the people there are still suffering after Eelam.After the end of the Eelam War in Sri Lanka in 2009, thousands of people surrendered to the Sinhala army. What they became after that is still as light as the Lord.The Singala government has not yet stated the true status of those who surrendered. At the same time, many of those who surrendered were reported missing. What kind of hardships do the families of those who surrendered to the Singala army face?

The film explores how their livelihoods have been affectedWhen will the wife and father who are looking for the husband who surrendered to the Singala army return in the hope that he will return? Daughter with question. Director Anantha Ramanan has made us understand the heartache of the entire Tamil Eelam people with these two characters. After the end of the war in Sri Lanka, the Singala government continued to claim that it was taking good care of the Eelam Tamils ​​with various facilities and providing them with employment.But, the job assigned to them is to pick up the virgin explosives stored in the war. A job that is always on the verge of death.

It is reported that many more are being given such jobs.The film highlights the fact that all Eelam Tamils ​​are still living under the control of the Singala army.Navayuka, who plays the heroine of the story, and her daughter, Tamilarasi, both live as characters without acting as actresses.The other characters who have played in the film are naturally cast so that they cannot be seen as actors.Cinematographer Shiva Chandakumar puts everyone on the edge of the seat in search of explosives. In the background music Chintaka Jayakody has to travel with the story.The movement of the story is a bit slow, which makes it a little impatient.Director Anantha Ramanan can also be thanked for making the people of Tamil Eelam feel the pain.Sixth land will be Released on IBC Tamil YouTube channel on October 7.00 PM

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In  O T T Platform I BC Tamil Youtube Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-4/5