The multi-faceted personality of Tamil cinema, Hiphop Adhi has made a documentary titled ‘Thee Veeran’,

The multi-faceted personality of Tamil cinema, Hiphop Adhi has made a documentary titled ‘Thee Veeran’,

The multi-faceted personality of Tamil cinema, Hiphop Adhi has made a documentary titled ‘Thee Veeran’, which is based on the day-to-day lives and activities of the Tamil Nadu Fire and Rescue services department during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Hip-hop Adhi says, “It all started last year March when COVID-19 cases were spiking up. During this crisis, I was invited by Mr. Robin, District Fire Officer for a casual visit to Ambattur Fire Station to have a look at the daily a ctivities of the fire department.

To me personally, both police and fire department personnel looked the same due to their uniforms. The maxim um awareness that I had about fire officers was were their help to the needy at crucial fire accidents. I had no id ea about what I was going to experience and nonchalantly spent half a day with them, where my complete persp ective about not just their works, but their lives changed. During the toughest and complicated COVID era, wh ere everyone was confined within homes, they came out for the help of the destitute. Although they were fron tline warriors during the calamity, they remained happy as a family together within. Such amazing things insti lled more positivity and hope in me and I felt such valiant stories must be conveyed to the outside world. We so ught two-month time from DFO Robin sir for the circumstances to get normal and started documenting their daily routine works. During this process, almost all of the workers at the fire department became close to us as we kept interacting.

To be honest, my outlook on life changed during this period and I thought, translating these experiences into art form will definitely sow seeds of hope and positivity on the barren souls of the needy. It has occurred frequently in my life when I bought a cow out of se lf-interest and later it paved way for Takkaru Tak ka ru. Altho ugh we had many documentations on many social issues since 2012, Takkaru Takkaru earned us appr eciation. Similarly, “Ta mizhi” was started on personal interest, took 2 years of our time, and later it was mater ialized into an 8-episode educational documentary on Tamil scripts. It was the same with ‘Maanavan’, docu men tation based on the role of youth in the society, had a good impact amongst the youngsters. Needless to say, our one-day tour at Tamil Na du Fire and Rescue Services department has turned into a year-long journey – THEE VEERAN. There is always hope if we know where to look for. In our case, we found that in our year-long journey filled with Passion, Bravery and Sacrifice. I am extremely happy to have got an opportunity to make this docum entary and special thanks to Dr.C.Sylendra Babu IPS., Director of TNFRS for facilitating the whole process. “