The Government of Tamil Nadu has announced various schemes to protect the unattended children

The Government of Tamil Nadu has announced various schemes to protect the unattended children

19.06.2021 At 9 am, The Government of Tamil Nadu has announced various schemes to protect the unattended children who have lost their parents due to corona infection at Meenambal Shivraj Nagar, Chennai Middle Sch ool, Chennai.
With the approval of the District Collector under the Social Welfare Department and Social Securi ty Depar tme nt, chetpattu has provided services including food, medicine, safety, education and mental health at the childre n’s home run by the NGO ARUN Rainbow Homes. Egmore Legislator Mr. E. Paranthaman, Chennai Dis trict Safe ty Committee Officer Ramesh Karthik, Child Protection Committee member R. Sakayanathan, Sector Health Nu rse Sicily and Nurse Ezhilarasi participated in the function.   Contact : SusheelaAnand 8939889650 Rajababu : 9840491760 Social Worker R. Sakayanathan Member, Child Protection Committee 9840018091