Tamil Kudimagan Tamil Movie Review

Tamil Kudimagan Tamil Movie Review


Cheran, Sripriyanka, Lal, S. A. Chandrasekhar, Deepshikha, Vela Ramamurthy , Suresh Kamakshi , Aruldoss  and others .


Production : Lakshmi creations  , Written – Directed – producer : Esakki karvannan , Dop : Rajesh yadav , Music : Sam c.s. , Editor : Karthick ram , Art : Veera samar , Dance : Dinesh , Stunt : Sakthi saravanan , Sound Effects : Set hu ,  Sound designer : A.s.laxmi narayanan , Pro : Nikil murugan , Designer : Dinesh ashok amd others .


“It is up to me to decide what I want to be. This society should not decide that..!” The story of this film is whether Chinnasamy, who belongs to the Scheduled Castes, was able to achieve it. Director Cheran is coming as Chinna s amy who belongs to the caste who has served the slave society for a long time.He wants to free his bound hands and stand on his own feet.For that the village officer leaves to write the exam. But will the dominant society laug h at the handcuffed service man sitting with his legs stretched out..? When Cheran leaves for the exam, a death f alls in the town, and Cheran is forced to perform its rituals and is unable to take the exam – the truth is that they do not let him go.

He decides to make his younger sister study to become a doctor in an environment where he c an no longer take the exam after losing the last attempt of the age to write the exam. Also, to start his own busin ess, to buy cows and start a milk business, the milk he sells becomes untouchable.In this case, Lal’s son, who belo ngs to the domin ant caste, falls in love with Cheran’s younger sister, Deepshika, and his son-in-law Aruldas, who hears about the matter, marries her. The later part of the film is about what Cheran decides due to these pressures.

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Movie Review-;

The hero of the story, Chinnaswamy lives with his family on the outskirts of the town. Chinnasamy works hard to somehow advance in life as he belongs to a lower caste. Chinnaswamy’s job is to perform funeral rites when som eone dies in the village. His upper caste son Lal falls in love with his younger sister who is studying medicine. On le arning this, Lal goes with his men and beats Chinnaswamy’s younger sister and leaves her on the road. Seeing this, Chinnaswamy decides not to perform funeral rites for anyone from now on. Meanwhile, Lal’s father dies. Th e people of the village are harassing Chinnasamy who said that he should not perform funeral rites for anyone. A part from all this, did Chinnaswamy perform the last rites again? Isn’t it? That is the rest of the story of the film…Death falls inside a large house in the town.

Chinnachami (Cheran), the character of the town who performs rituals on corpses, commonly known as  kudima gan, has to leave his job as a Vediyan to perform rituals and bury the corpses due to the shameful events that hap pened before him and is surviving by doing other professions. The entire town forces him to perform the funeral rites for the dead elder and to threaten him. Chinnachami firmly decides that he will never do that job again in hi s life and stands against the entire town. The result of this is the politics that this Tamilkudimagan is talking abo ut.Cheran has lived in this film as a unique representative of the downtrodden society, showing its overall pressu re, when the next generation wants to take the next step with the plight of being a slave society for a long time.

Not knowing what to do with the milk that the village refused to buy, God pours it on his head and freezes, and seeing his younger sister in a pool of blood and with no chance to fight back, he shows that he will not hide my id entity – he will not leave his hometown and go anywhere else. Because of that pressure we are left wondering w hat will happen if the town unites against him in a decision he takes. While many films like “Adithavaan Adi Adi” have led the caste caste to the path of violence, this film is a precedent for insisting that the law is in their favor t oday. Director Isaki Karvannan should be praised for telling this good news. But its shortcoming is that the situ ations and feelings of the film are not recognized in the film. Cheran’s family…especially his wife Sri Priyanka and younger sister Deepshika are always dressed up for a reception.

So they can be perceived as farm women.  Lal and his son-in-law Aruldas, who belong to the dominant caste, are shouting rudely, but their dominance does not seem to be valid in the town. We should be especially angry with them. But in the end pity prevails. Be it any caste…be it any religion. Do they have the right to perform rituals for their father when he is dead or not..? There does not seem to be any justification for the court to keep the fathe r’s body in the mortuary for months. I don’t know if all religions and all castes can throw away their rituals just li ke Lal finally threw away all rituals. It is also said that those who do not want to declare their caste can register themselves as Tamil citizens. Will the dominant castes be included in this? This film is as stuck as Judge Rajesh in giving a solution. Vela Ramamurthy’s role in supporting Cheran is noteworthy.

The film takes a turning point from the point where Suresh Kamakshi as SP enters the story. Cinematographer R ajesh Yadav is only focused on conveying the story. Music composer Sam.CS, who is a hit in his films, is surpris in gly playing tambourine in this film. Considering contemporary social events, caste events and political events, Ta milkudimagan becomes an indispensable film. If you ask why, everyone should leave the clan profession which is looked down upon in an environment where the caste is determined by one’s clan profession and his status is de cided according to Sanatana Dharma. By doing so, “Tamilkutimagan” becomes an inevitable film because it prom otes the idea that these caste differences are also art.Charan plays the role of Chinnachamy. Apart from some ar tificial facial expressions, he has given a compelling performance in many places.

Especially the anguish he expresses as he tries to change his identity as a citizen who performs rituals on a dead corpse, and is defeated by the machinations of every attempt, hurts us. Vela Ramasamy’s performance as Gandhi Periyar is nothing short of amazing.Apart from these two, it is the Malayalam actor Lal who has made another gi ant leap in acting. That caste arrogance and his body language is so hot when he stands on his hands saying that h e can’t do anything. Similarly, in the final scene, when there is no one to perform the rituals, when his own son ta kes the funeral rites in front of us, the arrogance and cruelty of overturning the caste and religious rituals in a ma niacal mood stands in front of our eyes. Aruldas, who plays Lal’s groom, also gives a brilliant performance in his r ole.

Especially in the scene where Cheran kicks and smashes his younger sister, he puts before our eyes a human bea st full of poison called caste.Among the other characters that they are avoiding, the one who plays Cheran’s mot her. Impeccable acting. Director SA, Chandrasekhar and Ravi Maria, who are playing lawyers, are also there. Simi larly, the court scenes, which should be the basis of the film, lose their vigor and pass by casually like some tea sh op debate without any interest or drama.The weak points of the movie are that despite having a good story, it is not turned into a good screenplay artistically, without compelling scenes, and the familiar scenes and easily pre dictable scenes keep coming. As such, most of the verses are merely uttered as good comments.

Tamilkudimakan’s shortcomings are that it is not expressed in a way that can be mixed with our feelings as view ers or as emotions mixed with the pain of the lives of the downtrodden people.Sam CS has clearly absorbed the story of the film and has given the music for the scene perfectly. It’s no exaggeration to say that Sam CS’s back gr ound music is mostly to offset and compensate for lag in visuals. The songs didn’t impress as much as the backg round music did.The director of the film Isaki Karvannan has chosen the best story. Also the casting is excellent. If the screenplay was made a little more interesting and the visuals added a little more power, Tamilkudimakan would have reached the masses on a larger scale. Because in terms of story and plot, this is a movie that every Tamilkudimagan should go and join. 

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting -3 /5