Striker tamil Movie Review

Striker tamil Movie Review



Justin Vijay , R, Vidya Pradeep, Robert Nath, Kasthuri Shankar, Abinaya Sri , and others .


Directed By: S A Prabu , Music: Vijay Siddharth , Dop : Manish Murthy , Editing: Nagooran , Costume Designer : A kil an Ram , Dialogues : S A Prabu , Choreography : Jm, Robert Nath , Action : Shankar , Singer : Karthick, Keertha na, Shi lvi Sharon, Sai Vignesh , Lyricist : Harishankar Ravindren , Art Director : Anand Mani , Co-Director : Naag anathan , Stills : Bakiya , Make-Up : Narasimman , Production Executive : Sukithan Sakthivel , Vfx: Ajithkumar M anikandan, D hanasekar , Sfx : Sedhu , Di Colorist: Bharani, Bishma Studios , Mixing : Sugavethan Vp, Thirbav, St udio , Pro: Riyaz K Ahmed , Poster Designer: Joseph Jaxon , Executive Producer: Rajesh Krishnan R , Produced B y: Hendry David Ir, Ju stin Vijay R , Lyric Video By: Ajithkumar Manikandan and others .


Joshi, the hero of the story, has completed his engineering and is working in a car company. Before he completes a complete repair of a car. The car is delivered, the car fails to brake and the occupants die in an accident. Joshi fe els sorry for that. At that time his friends are talking about supernatural things. He is interested in supernatural things and reads them thoroughly. So one day he goes to help his girlfriend in a supernatural way. Then an unexp ected incident happens there and due to that incident Joshi and his girlfriend get stuck in a problem. Did they es cape the problem in the end? Isn’t it? That is the rest of the story of the film…

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Movie Review-;

Striker is a film directed by SA Prabhu starring Justin Vijay, Vidya Pradeep, Robert Master and Kasthuri. The he ro, Justin Vijay works as a car mechanic. He quits that job and goes to learn about the occult. He joins an institu te for this purpose and learns about the occult. One day, Justin Vijay gets information that strange noises are co ming from one of the houses and it is haunted. Thus, Justin Vijay and his friend Vidya Pradeep go inside the hou se to see the paranormal. After entering the house, what happened there is the rest of the story of the film. 

A man (Justin Vijay) who is studying in a training center for talking to spirits in a modern way, and a woman (Vidy a Pradeep) who comes to interview him for her YouTube become friends. The spirit is forced to run against the in structions given by the spirit trainer (Kasthuri). In the end, this is all a sign of someone who came to talk to the sp irit. The picture is why and why. In the beginning they tell Aara Amara about Ashtama Siddhis. But why for this fi lm will appear when the film ends. Looking for an item in a house means opening and closing all the cupboards, ta bles, drawers and there are AA… 

Even so, the film runs for about an hour and a half Climax twist is ok. But the lack of direction and acting is a ma jor weakness. “The answer to the question of whether or not the ghost that scares many people today is not yet known. But most people believe that they can talk to spirits with this Ouija board. A person (Justin Vijay) who is studying in a training center that works with spirits in a modern way that works on that belief, and a woman (Vid ya Pradeep) who comes to interview him for her YouTube become friends, and both of them are going to talk to t he spirit of a dead person in the house where it resides.


Then the spirit becomes too strong for him to act against the instructions given by the spirit trainer (Kasthuri). E verything that happens after that takes a sudden turn. The ending of the climax is so shocking that you wonder if this is even going to happen. One has to patiently endure many scenes for that shock. Hero Justin Vijay could ha ve shined as a story hero if he had been more careful with his acting. Even though there are many places to appr opriate the scenes, Justin Vijay fails to use them properly and spoils the flow of the film. Kasthuri, who is only ac tive on social media, plays the role of a teacher who conducts occult classes.

His explanations of ghosts and souls leave us wondering where to find our own Ouija port.Vijay Siddharth’s mus ic is not too intimidating JM Rabri Nath Dark Room scenes are terrifying. Director S. A. Prabhu explains half the time and moves the scenes, so the interest decreases. Moreover, some of our forefathers, who knew that `the bo dy is the temple, the body is the Lord’, achieved amazing siddhis through their efforts. So, they became `Sidhas’. S ome texts mention that “They attained atma siddhis by knowing the subtleties of the body and by doing penanc e and using appropriate herbs.” Siddhars and some people who came after Siddhars did some works of art with rare herbs and they said that it has nothing to do with the picture taken  .

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting -3 /5