Sterlite Copper launches coffee table book highlighting the role of copper in the modern world

Sterlite Copper launches coffee table book highlighting the role of copper in the modern world

May 20th 2022, Chennai: Highlighting the importance of copper and its contribution to the modern world, Ster lite Copper launched a Coffee Table Book, showcasing its origin and its definitive role in shaping the modern world, at the SICCI CXO Conclave, held in Chennai today. Unveiled by Mr. Mayur Karmakar, MD, International Copper Association, India, with Ms. A. Sumathi, Chief Operating Officer, Sterlite Copper, the 70- page book co mes with an interesting title “Hi I’M COPPER”. 

The book traverses the entire journey of copper from its discovery in 9000 BC in an Egyptian river to the current times, focusing on its integral role in creating the modern world as we know it today. The book also traces the lifecycle of the metal and covers the entire gamut of its industrial and sectoral usage ranging from Power, Defe nce, Automobiles, Healthcare, FMCD among others.

Speaking at the launch of the Coffee Table Book, Ms. A. Sumathi, Chief Operating Officer, Sterlite Copper said, “We are delighted to unveil the Copper Coffee Table book “Hi, I’m  Copper.”  The book aims to essay the journey of Copper and Sterlite’s  smeltingstory.Over the last 25 years, Sterlite Copper has leveraged on technology to upgrade its processes and we had always benchmarked our practices to theglobal standards in terms of energy efficiency, copper recovery, effluent treatment while being sensitive to our corporate ethos of ESG standards.

The book highlights how Sterlite Copper, which began with a 100 KTPA Smelter in the year 1996, went on to bec ome the largest supplier of Copper in India, meeting nearly 36% of the country’s copper demand by 2018. The operations of the plant are also benchmarked against global best-practices, with certifications in Quality, Env ironment, Occupational Health & Safety, Energy.  The plant has also invested heavily in environmental safegu ards such as Gas Scrubbers, Effluent Treatment Plants and Reverse Osmosis Plants in order to ensure a safe and sustainable operation in Thoothukudi. The plant has been certified for its Zero Liquid Discharge, Water Consu mption Management, Waste Reduction and Repurposing Waste towards Sustainable Applications.

The book also clearly brings out the economic benefits of the Thoothukudi plant in Tamil Nadu. It had emerged as a pillar of support for the community and a provider of livelihood to thousands of people. The plant engaged about 1000 trucks/tankers on daily basis with consistent load, thereby providing livelihood to around 9,000 truck drivers and cleaners per month. It had over 650 supply and service partners and helped them generate a business of close to $134 million every year. The total number of dependent domestic companies for supply of raw material from Sterlite Copper was 381 and contributed approximately $295 million to the exchequer. Addit ionally, it provided more than 17% of Thoothukudi port’s total revenue. Even the by-products of the copper sme lting like sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, gypsum and copper slag act as critical input for a number of important industries. While sulphuric acid is the primary raw material for chemical and fertiliser, gypsum is a key ingre dient for cement production.


AddsMs. A. Sumathi, Chief Operating Officer, Sterlite Copper:Copper is the third most used metal in industrial and civil applications across the world and its constantly increasing demand increases the need for production, thereby having a direct impact on employment opportunities & downstream industries. We at Sterlite have created a direct employment for 4000 people and impacted more than 20,000 people engaged in various supplier and customer units. Through the book, we want everyone to become aware about the journey & importance of copper and Sterlite, which together cont ributed immensely to the overall economy, not just at a national level, but also at a State and District level.”.

Prof. Ashutosh Sharma,Institute Chair Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur & Former Secretary, Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, who wrote the foreword for the Coffee Table Book, says, “I believe Copper is one of the key drivers of Industry 4.0 and beyond. An invisible enabler, co pper’s role in the future of our world will be all pervasive from our homes to outer space explorations.”  

 “I’m delighted that the importance of copper is being covered in a comprehensive way in the book being launched today. I wish to congratulate the team Sterlite for conceiving and executing this much needed document of value to its many sta keholders from the traditional industries to Industry 4.0 and Digital/cyber technologies.”, Prof. Ashutosh Sharma added.

 Also speaking at the occasion of the Coffee Table Book launch, Mr. Mayur Karmakar, MD, International Copper Ass ociation India said, “Copper is the third-most-essential metal in the world, contributing to the environmental and socio-economic development across the globe. The demand for the crucial metal, which is a key input for multiple sectors, is expected to further raise sustainable growth in the post-pandemic scenario.”

 Another significant aspect of the book is that it brings into focus, the role of the company in building an aspirati onal and empowered society with all the stakeholders working in tandem for the common good all.   For instan ce, under the Muthucharam initiative, the company plans to build a smart school and a well-equipped hospital for the community. Plans are also afoot to plant 1 million trees to make Thoothukudi, one of the greenest cities in India.  Other initiatives include providing clean drinking water to every family in Thoothukudi. More than 2,3 00 families have already benefited from this project—Tamira Surabhi–till date.    

 About Sterlite Copper

Sterlite Copper represents a key aspect of Vedanta’s Copper Business. Since its inception in 1996, Sterlite Cop per has steadily grown to become one of the leading contributors to copper production in India, it was contribu ting up to 36% of India’s demand for refined copper. It operated a 400,000 Metric Tonnes Per Annum (MTPA) Co pper Smelter at Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu. For more information, please visit . 

About Vedanta Limited

Vedanta Limited, a subsidiary of Vedanta Resources Limited, is one of the world’s leading Oil & Gas and Metals company with significant operations in Oil & Gas, Zinc, Lead, Silver, Copper, Iron Ore, Steel, and Aluminium& Power across India, South Africa and Namibia. For two decades, Vedanta has been contributing significantly to nation building. Governance and sustainable development are at the core of Vedanta’s strategy, with a strong focus on health, safety, and environment. Vedanta has put in place a comprehensive framework to be the ESG leader in the natural resources sector. Vedanta is committed to reducing carbon emissions to zero by 2050 or sooner and has pledged $5 billion over the next 10 years to accelerate the transition to net zero operations. Gi ving back is in the DNA of Vedanta, which is focused on enhancing the lives of local communities. The com pany’s flagship social impact program, Nand Ghars, have been set up as model anganwadis focused on eradica ting child malnutrition, providing education, healthcare, and empowering women with skill development.

Under the aegis of the Anil Agarwal Foundation, the umbrella entity for Vedanta’s social initiatives, the Vedanta group has pledged Rs 5000 crore over the next five years on social impact programmes with a thrust on nutritio n, women & child development, healthcare, animal welfare, and grass-root level sports. Vedanta and the group companies company have been featured in Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2020, and was conferred Frost & Su llivan Sustainability Awards 2020, CII Environmental Best Practices Award 2020, CSR Health Impact Award 2020, CII National Award 2020 for Excellence in Water Management, CII Digital Transformation Award 2020, ICSI National Award 2020 for excellence in Corporate Governance, People First HR Excellence Award 2020, ‘Co mpany with Great Managers 2020’ by People Business and certified as a Great Place to Work 2021. Vedant a’s flagship Nand Ghar Project was identified as best CSR project by Government of Rajasthan. Vedanta Limited is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange. For more information, please visit


This press release contains “forward-looking statements” – that is, statements related to future, not past, eve nts. In this context, forward-looking statements often address our expected future business and financial per formance, and often contain words such as “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “should” or “will.” Forward–looking statements by their nature address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. For us, uncertainties arise from the behaviour of financial and metals markets including the London Metal Exch ange, fluctuations in interest and or exchange rates and metal prices; from future integration of acquired busin esses; and from numerous other matters of national, regional and global scale, including those of a political, eco nomic, business, competitive or regulatory nature. These uncertainties may cause our actual future results to be materially different that those expressed in our forward looking statements. We do not undertake to update our forward-looking statements.