SiruvanSamuel Tamil Movie Review

SiruvanSamuel Tamil Movie Review


Ajithan, Vishnu, Aparna, Philipose ,Mersin  , Jenish & Chellapan and Others .


Production – A Countryside Films   , Director – Sadhu Burlington , Cinematographer – Sivananth Gandhi  , Editor – Aj ith , Music Director – Stanley, Mano , Sound Editor – Narasimma Moorthy , Story & Screenplay – Sadhuburl in gton , Director of Photography – Sivananth Gandhi , Music & Background Score – Mano/Stanley , Action Director – Anish ,P R O – SriVenkatesh . and others .


The film will release on 12th May with the promotion of ‘First Kanyakumari Film’. The film can even be identified as the first Tamil film to reflect the inner world of children.n A boy, Samuel, wants to buy a cricket bat. Samuel is heartbroken when Abba picks up the savatti (pearl). He hears that if he collects five hundred cricket cards, he wi  ll get a cricket bat signed by Sachin. Boy Sam tries to collect cards by following the first three steps of Samam, Danam and Bedam. The story of the film is whether his wish comes true and he is able to buy a new cricket bat.

Watch The Video-;

Movie Review-;

There was a time when a boy in a village in Tirunelveli said this as a feat, “Ela naan innaiku namur thatar kadala rotisalna (prota)”. Small items and rare hotel food was a big celebration for the 90’s kids.. One such celebration w as the cricketing passion of the kids of that time. Director Sadhu has created a juvenile literature on the screen b y visualizing that interest and their life, the moments they celebrate life and what they are struggling with in Kan yakumari. Siruvan Samuel is an Iranian cinematic effort in Tamil. A boy Samuel asks his poor parents for a cricket bat. At home he gets special “care” for it. Then he makes various attempts (watching those attempts on screen is an experience). What are his efforts to buy bat? That is the story of the film  .

A live sound recording has been done for the film which was shot in eighteen days. Since it is difficult to ‘Dub’ the local case of North Kanyakumari, they have gone for direct dubbing. Without sub-titles, the Malayalam is in garb led Tamil, making it a bit difficult to understand. The inspiration for the film is the short story ‘Stamp Album’ by S undara Ramasamy. In literature, writer Jayamohan has been fascinated by the constant use of regional case and director Sadhu has dared to take this initiative in his film. Even if you don’t understand the dialogues one hundre d percent, the characters of the film are very close to your heart. Director Sadhu presents his film as the ‘first Ka nyakumari film’ with great confidence as he has not made any compromises in the vernacular language besides visualizing the landscape as the field of the story.

Ajithan Thavasimuthu as the boy Samuel and K.G.Vishnu as Rajesh are the show stealers of the film. Ajithan’s de lusional vision and the mischievousness in Rajesh’s eyes add to the charm of the film. Sam is the taciturn one who is constantly restrained by the elders and Rajesh is the outspoken one who is friendly with everyone. The film is based on their friendship. Both the Podyars have brought it to life through their performances. The picture is fill ed with colorful frames like Bodiyan, Kutte (little/girl), Greenery, Hill, Rain, Tuition Akka, Eram, Banana Plantati on. It would not be surprising if the film is rumored to be a Malayalam dubbing. Cinematographer V. Sivanand Ga ndhi makes the most of the opportunity and creates magic.

Edited by S.A. to make it happen within 95 minutes. Ajith Stephen. The scene where the boy Samuel drops his bu rden and runs away in the climax is one of the best scenes in world cinema. Music composers J. Stanley John and Mano aka Sam Edwin Manohar have aided the flow of the story through background music.A world that is not sa tisfied with anything and plows in despair; A snack, a cricket cart with Big Fun bubble gum, parathas and meat fo r dinner is another world of indulgence. Although director Sadhu says that it is an attempt to capture the minds of children, the minds of adults are also highlighted throughout the film. ‘Don’t you know he’s a thief just by look ing at his eyes?

A woman blames a boy named Rajesh without any excuse saying that he would have taken the one and a half pou nd ring. A father takes a knife in his hand to beat his son because someone said something. P.D. scolded and poin ted at the stick saying, ‘Little Potianu has cut the glass and come to play cricket?’ Master. How cruel is it to be chil dren in a grown-up world? What accounts for our fascination with world films? In some small trap, we forget the boundaries and connect with those people and that life. The film performs that alchemy on the audience. The mo re regional the story, the more universal it is is the grammar of world cinema. The film fulfills it perfectly. (The fil m is only released in 20 theaters across Tamil Nadu, so potential cinema buffs should not miss it.)

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4 /5