Revitalize your wardrobe with Taneira’s ‘Exchange,

Revitalize your wardrobe with Taneira’s ‘Exchange,

Revitalize your wardrobe with Taneira’s ‘Exchange, Elevate and Empower’ initiat ive in partnership with Goonj

Taneira, a TATA product announces its partnership with Goonj, for its new initi ative, Exchange, Elevate and Empower’. Commencing from July 10th, this initiat ive invites our customers to contribute their cherished sarees for development work and avail attractive offers on new merchandise. The contributed sarees wi ll be repurposed by Goonj to reward wo men across rural India, participating in development work, together with their community, to address their own local development issues.

At the heart of this initiative is a novel concept that enables customers to live and give sustainably and responsibly, ev en as they get to explore various forms of the six-yard. Customers are encoura ged to bring in their pre-loved sarees, each imbued with memories and cultur al significance, as a contribution to the larger purpose of a better world, as well as to explore compelling offers. For ever y saree contributed, Taneira rewards pa trons with a coupon offering 10% off on new products. Customers can also rede em these offers on the Taneira online st ore. This initiative is also an opportunity to experience the finest Indian weaving traditions under one roof. Taneira offers a rich variety of clusters like exquisite P ure Silk and Cotton Ikat, Sambalpuri, Tu ssars, Banarasis, Kanjivarams, South silk s, Jamdanis, Vegan collections, Chande ris, and Maheshwaris, each featuring rev italised designs. Patrons can select new favourites from the wide range that Tan eira has to offer and exchange their old sarees.

The initiative not only gives one a chanc e to upgrade old wardrobes but also offe rs everyone an opportunity to pay back to the larger society which nurtures us. The collected sarees are entrusted to G oonj, renowned for its expertise in chan nelising urban surplus as a new resource to mobilise and empower rural commun ities. At its processing centres in the me tro cities, Goonj teams meticulously exa mine and refurbish these sarees, to rea ch out to communities across rural Ind ia. They transform even the un-wearabl e ones into a myriad of products e.g som e heavy sarees could potentially be inclu ded in Goonj’s wedding kits for rural fa milies, fulfilling every girl’s desire to lo ok the best on her wedding day. Goonj’s holistic approach to using urban India’s surplus material for rural India’s devel opment challenges encourages custom ers to appreciate and preserve India’s rich cultural heritage in its villages while promoting mindful consumption and co ntributing to a thoughtful initiative.

Mr. Ambuj Narayan, CEO, Taneira, expre ssed his enthusiasm for the initiative, st ating, “We are proud to collaborate with Goonj for the ‘Exchange, Elevate and Em power’ initiative. This meaningful progr am aligns with our commitment to prese rving India’s rich textile heritage. We at Taneira, bring the wide variety of craft cl usters to our discerning customers, sho wcasing the finest weaves from diverse regions across India. By leading the facil itation of saree exchange, we’re not just giving our customers a way to refresh th eir wardrobes responsibly, we’re also co ntributing to a cycle of empowerment fo r rural communities. This initiative will create a positive impact while innova tiv ely upholding textile traditions.”

On the partnership, Mr. Anshu Gupta, Founder, Goonj said, “I am glad to see Taneria coming together with Goonj, to give women across urban India a unique opportunity to utilise all the sarees lying unused in our suitcases and wardrobes for a larger purpose. While urban wom en wear many different kinds of clothin g today, saree is still the quintessential daily wear of most rural women.

For the m this beautiful garment is simp ly about their dignity and survival. Und er our ‘Cl oth For Work’ initiative when rural wom en work on their own issues and receive kits having sarees, as rewa rd, their joy is the best gift for our work. I hope more organisations get inspired by this part nership as it exemplifies our joint comm itment to bridge the resou rce gap betwe en the urban and the rura l.”

With the festive season around the corn er, Taneira invites its discerning custom ers to declutter their wardrobe by excha nging their cherished sarees, elevating the wardrobe with Taneira’s exquisite co llection, and empowering the rural com munity through this impactful initiative.

About Taneira:

Taneira, the women’s ethnic wear brand from Titan, the TATA group company, of fers differentiated design sarees, blous es, and ready-to-wear kurta sets made from pure and natural fabrics from over 100+ weaving clusters of India and brin gs the best of India under one roof. Instil led with TATA trust, Taneira aims to pro vide rooted yet progressive Indian wo men with diverse craftsmanship and exc lusive crafts and designs. The products cater to everyday fashion and all occas ions a woman would want to adorn hers elf for – festivals, weddings, and special occasions.

In its endeavour to provide authentic we aves that are handcrafted with love, Taneira works with weaver communiti es all over India. It has also launched the ‘Weavershala’ initiative to modernise th e weaving techniques and, at the same time, preserve traditional procedures of hand weaving for future generations. In addition, the brand has introduced fra m e looms and all essential workspace faci lities for the weavers in collaboration wit h localised weaver-led organisati ons. Currently, there are 18 Weaversh alas operational across the country.

Launched in 2017, Taneira offers a uniq ue and relaxed browsing experience wi th knowledgeable staff to provide quali ty service through a strong network of 76 stores across 38 cities. The brand is present across all prominent metro hu bs and is building to strengthen its pres ence across key Tier I and Tier II cities. Taneira is also available online with glob al delivery at

About Goonj:

Founded in 1999, Goonj (meaning “ech o” in Hindi) addresses often overlooked basic needs by leveraging existing reso urces, promoting comprehensive human dignity and an agency-led approach. The organisation focuses on material circula rity for sustainability, development, and regeneration. Goonj’s model expands th e traditional circular economy concept into a broader development cycle by rep ortosing urban surplus for rural develop ment. For over two decades, Goonj has implemented circularity principles inclu ding reverse logistics, reuse, and recycl ing, while engaging both urban and rural populations and utilising inclusive techn ologies. For deta ils, please refer – http://www.goonj.orgRevitalize your wardrobe with Taneira’s ‘Exchange,