Ramco Completes Workday Global Payroll Certified Integration

Ramco Completes Workday Global Payroll Certified Integration

Ramco’s software integration enables large enterprises and multinational corporations to drive HR & Payroll transformation globally

Chennai, India/ USA – October, 21, 2021Ramco Systems (“Ramco”, BSE:RAMCOSYS), a Workday (NASDA Q:WDAY) Access software partner, today announced that it has achieved Workday Global Payroll Certified status. Ramco provides customers with a seamless integration that connects Workday Human Capital Management (HCM) with Ramco Global Payroll.

Workday HCM is a unified system that helps enable organizations to make faster decisions, gain operational visibility, prepare for future talent shifts, and build effective teams. With this integration, Workday customers can leverage Ramco’s Global Payroll platform that covers 100+ countries, including several European countries and more than 60 countries across APAC, Middle East & Africa. This integration helps enable large enterprises to offer a frictionless employee experience aligned with their HR & payroll digital transformation.

Ramco’s global coverage will help organizations to comply with ever-changing and complex statutory require me nts while driving organization-wide harmonization across payroll operations. Ramco solutions leverage Artifi ci al Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) to identify anomalies in payroll processing, automatically derive p ote ntial reasons for these anomalies, thereby boost productivity by allowing customers to focus on the outli ers. The solution can be offered as a Platform or as a Managed Service or a Hybrid model depending on the customer requirements.

Rohit Mathur, Head – Ramco Global Payroll & HR Solution, Ramco Systems, said, “We are pleased to have part nered with Workday for our Global Payroll solution. This partnership and the inte grat ion will harmonize the pa yroll processes for customers while op ening new avenues for collaboration across markets globally.

We believe that our focus on Payroll innovation, driven by AI & ML, and along with the integration with Work da y HCM, can help accelerate the digital transformation journey for joint customers.”

Commenting on the association, Hiko Chan, Head of IT, Melco Resorts, a joint customer of Ramco and Workday, said, “Workday and Ramco functioning hand in glove has helped us streamline our HR and Payroll operations across geographies. This has reduced our manual intervention required earlier in handling data-related complexities.”

More information on Ramco’s integration can be found on the Workday Marketplace, which provides easy access to solutions built by Workday and its software and content partners.

About Ramco Systems

Ramco is a next-gen enterprise software player disrupting the market with its multi-tenant cloud and mobile-based enterprise software in HR and Global Payroll, ERP and M&E MRO for Aviation. Part of the USD 1 billion Ramco Group, Ramco Systems focuses on Innovation and Culture to differentiate itself in the marketplace. On the Innovation front, Ramco has been focusing on moving towards Active Enterprise Applications leveraging Art ificial Intelligence and  Machine Learning by building features such as Talk It – which allows transactions to be carried out by simple voice commands, Bot it – which allows users to complete transactions using natural conv ers ations; Mail It – transact with the application by just sending an email; HUB It – a one screen does it all conc ep t built to address all activities of a user; Thumb It – mobility where the system presents users with option to choose rather than type values and Prompt It – a cognitive ability which will let the system complete the tra nsaction and prompts the user for approval. 

With 2000+ employees spread across 25 offices, globally, Ramco follows a flat and open culture where empl oy ees are encouraged to share knowledge and grow. No Hierarchies, Cabin-less Offices, Respect work and not ti tles, among others are what makes the team say, Thank God it’s Monday! 

For more information, please visit https://www.ramco.com/products/payroll/

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