Rail Tamil Movie Review

Rail Tamil Movie Review


Muthiah – Kungumaraj Muthusamy, Chellama – Vairamala. Sunil – Parvez Mehru, Varadhan – Rameshvaitya, Heroine’s father – Senthil Kochadai, Sunil’s wife Dimple – Shamira, Sunil’s father – Pintoo, Sunil’s mother – Vandana, Child – Baby Tanisha, Tirupuli – Subhash, Inspector – Thangamani Prabhu, Mill Manager – Ramesh Yara. , Accountant – Sam Daniel, Sunil Soufrend – Rajesh, Constable – Ramaiah have played specific roles.


Director and Writer – Baskar Sakthi , Production Company – Discovery Cinemas Cinematography : Theni Easwar, Cinematography – Nagooran, Ramachandran, Music – SJ Janani, Sound – Rajesh Saseendran, Lyricist – Ramesh Vaidya, Manager – Usilai Ziva, Public Relations – Nikhil Murugan etc.


Muttiah (Kungumaraj Muthuswamy) lives on rent in a deaf old woman’s house in a village near Theni with his romantic wife Chellamma (Vairamala). In another room of the same house, Sunil (Parvez Mehru), a youth from the northern state, works in a cotton factory and rents it. Muthiah, who works as an electrician, spends his time drinking with the money he earns rather than focusing on his career. Chellamma, who belongs to Muthiah’s well-to-do family, spends his father’s financial aid and pawns his jewels to get drunk and destroy them. Due to this, daily fights happen, Sunil tries to stop it and make peace. Muttiah, who already thinks that he has not got the job because of the northern state, sees Sunil as an enemy. One day Sunil gives Chellamma a bag and asks her to keep it safe. That day, Muttiah and Chellamma get into a verbal argument and end up in a fight, Chellamma leaves the house in anger. The next day Sunil dies in an accident. Sunil’s bag also goes missing. What happened after that? What did Muthiya do? Is sweetheart back? What was in the bag given by Sunil? Has Sunil found the missing bag and handed it over to the family? That is the rest of the story.

Watch The Trailor-:

Movie Review-:

Kungumaraj Muthusamy as Kudikara Muthiya is a drunken village youth who talks profanity throughout the film, has a big head, crawls around in dirty clothes, quarrels with his wife, fights with his father-in-law, money problems, hates a boy from a northern state, longs for a child’s affection, pressures him to not admit his wrongdoings, changes his mind because of a child. Valam has given a compelling performance with Tenavetu style.

Vairamala as the village girl, as the loving Chellamma in brotherly affection, struggling to correct her husband, reluctance to get money from her father, being lively in the singing competition with Sunil, feeling sorry for Sunil’s family and struggling to help him, and trying to find out the truth from her husband gives excellent performances with natural, verbal and realistic performances. Fascinated.

Velendi as Sunil, a worker from the northern state who plays Parvez Mehru Didi as a brother who gets along with Chellamma and has a good heart to help everyone. Ramesh Vaidya as an alcoholic friend for comedy, Senthil Kochadai as a generous father-in-law who tries to correct his son-in-law, Shameera as Sunil’s wife Dimple, Sunil Appava. 

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only.

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting-3 /5