R Madhavan’s Rocketry: The Nambi Effect makes it to the Oscars 2023 contention list

R Madhavan’s Rocketry: The Nambi Effect makes it to the Oscars 2023 contention list

Reaping harvest with heart-warming reception all over India, R Madhavan’s directorial debut ‘Rocketry: The Na mbi Effect’ finds itself in headlines for yet another reason now by making it to the Oscars 2023 contention list. T he film was released last year on July 1st, 2022, and opened to tremendous response.

In particular, Madhavan’s a droitness in crafting a hard-hitting biogr aphical drama based on the life of Nambi Nar ayanan, the ISRO scie ntist who got accused of espionage and later acquitted.


The scintillating work of actors, and technicians, and R Madh avan’s brilliant screenwriting brought forth a great response from critics and general audiences. Significantly, t he crew is elated to see yet another embellishment t o their celebratio n as the film makes it to the list of Oscars 2023 contention now.

The film has already been labeled as the ‘Most Popular Movi e of India in 2022’ by IMDB. Besides, Rocketry, writ ten, dire cted by, and produc ed by R Madhavan, who played the lead role of Nambi Narayanan fou nd phenomenal reception dur ing its premiere at Cannes International Film Festival in 20 22. 

The movie created on a big budget was shot across the exotic locales of India, France, Canada, Georgia, and Serb ia. With Shahrukh Khan and Suriya appearing in cameo roles, the others in the star cast include Rajit Kapur, Simr an, Sam Mohan, Meesha Ghoshal, and many more prominent actors.