Our Family Is Devoted To Lord Hanuman… It Is An Inexplicable Feeling To Be Blessed With A Baby Girl

Our Family Is Devoted To Lord Hanuman… It Is An Inexplicable Feeling To Be Blessed With A Baby Girl On The Auspicious Tuesday: Megastar Chiranjeevi 

Mega family is ecstatic. Today is a special day for them because Mega Power Star Ram Charan and Upasana Ko nidela were blessed with a baby girl. Upasana gave birth to a baby girl at Apollo Hospital in Hyderabad in the ea rly hours of Tuesday (June 20). Mega family, friends, and well-wishers, as well as fans, were overjoyed with the good news.

Dr. Sumana Manohar of Apollo says, “Upasana gave birth to a baby girl early this morning. Both the baby and the mother are doing well. They will be released from the hospital and will return home as soon as possible. Dr. Roo ma Sinha examines and advises on Upasana on a regular basis. Dr. Latha Kanchi Parthasarathy provided nutri tio nal advice. During her pregnancy, Upasana paid close attention to her food and exercise. The delivery went quite easily because of her attentiveness and care.”

“Ram Charan and Upasana’s daughter was born on Tuesday at 1:49 a.m.,” he said. “Our entire family is overjoyed. This girl means a lot to us. We had been waiting for years to see Ram Charan and Upasana as parents. After many years, divine favors granted our request. We are showered in love and wishes from our friends, families, well-wis hers, and admirers all around the world who always feel our happiness as their own.

“Upasana and the baby are in good condition,” Dr. Rooma Sinha adds. Megastar Chiranjeevi shared the joy of the birth of his granddaughter with the press. On behalf of our family, ple a se accept my heartfelt gratitude for their well-wishes and blessings for the young one.According to the elders, the infant was born at an auspicious time. E ven before the birth, we saw positive signs. Charan’s growth in the in dustry, his accomplishments, and the recen t engagement of Varun Tej are some of the joyful developments that h ave happened.

Looking at all of the good moments in our lives, I feel it is because of the positivity this newborn gi rl is bringing. Our family worships Anjaneya Swamy(Lord Hanuman). Tuesday is his day, and we are grateful that the kid was born on this auspicious day. The best team of doctors from Apollo han dled the birth flawlessly. Many thanks to everyone.”