ONSKY Technology PVT. LTD

ONSKY Technology PVT. LTD

Across the years, the birth of many producers in the movie industry has happened with the insatiable passion, sh eer dedication, and inmost desire to produce and nurture top-notch content-driven movies. Precisely, the Tamil movie industry has witnessed the arrival of such eminent production houses, which have been the epitome of ch urning out and gifting universal audiences with spectacular showpieces. MR.MOUTTOU SAMBANDAM, Onsky Technology Pvt. Ltd becomes the latest one to land upon K-Town with a huge desire to produce and acquire mo re valuable movies. His journey in the entertainment industry isn’t an overnight incident, but spans across the years for his invincible service in the world of DTH platform, thereby proving his caliber of excellence.

Sharing the good news, Mr. Mouttou Sambandam, Fou nder, OnSky Technology Pvt. Ltd says, “My passion for mo vies has unconditionally exis ted right from my childhood. Although, it was a long-run dream for me, I wanted to ob serve, learn and acquire a de corous trait of becoming a pr oducer before embarking on a journey in the world of the movie industry. One among them was to equip the pro duction house with a proper digital and postproduction unit. We are happy to announce that it is installed in the heart of the city – Kodambakkam. The main motto of ONSKY Technology Pvt Ltd is to introduce new and as pir ing talents, thereby letting them explore their innov ative approach towards cinema. Tamil movie industry has been the exemplification in making movies beyond the usual paradigms. We at ONSKY Technology Pvt. Ltd will strive to elevate it by producing unique content-driven movies, acquiring and distributing as well.  Besides, ON SKY Technology will spearhead making a mark of excell ence in the world of OTT platform by introducing avid film lovers to newfangled movies. We will be soon annou ncing the league of movies to be produced from our banner.”