On the third Sunday of June every year, we celebrate Father’s Day to cherish the bond between fathers and sons/daughters.

On the third Sunday of June every year, we celebrate Father’s Day to cherish the bond between fathers and sons/daughters.


 On the third Sunday of June every year, we celebrate Father’s Day to cherish the bond between fathers and sons/daughters. Its a day to acknowledge the loving, caring man you call your hero, protector, your inspiration. Fathers sacrifice everything for the happiness of their children and hence, let’s take this as an opportunity to show and express your love, adoration, and gratitude to him.

This year, although Father’s Day will be a tad bit different, it’s difficult for anyone to step out of the home due to Covid-19 to find the perfect gift for one’s dad. Everyone is spending most of the time on the internet and the best way to purchase gifts right now is online. A simple thank you and a wish is also a great way to celebrate, but why not make the day memorable for him. This Father’s Day chooses health over gifts, build healthier bonds along with it, strive for more of those happy family moments

Anjali Malhotra, Chief Customer, Marketing, Digital and IT Officer at Aviva Life Insurance, suggests unique gift ideas to ensure a healthy life for Fathers for a better tomorrow.

Prepare a delicious and healthy meal

This Father’s Day pamper him by preparing a delicious meal. Cooking at home has been more popular this year than ever before You can try to recreate a meal and drink from his favourite restaurant. Gifting him a custo mizeddiet plan by a dietician is another idea to kick start his healthy diet routine.

Surprise him with some plants

Fathers are nature freaks. Gift him some beautiful saplings and make his day with such a great gift. The plants will not only make him happy but will fill the abode with positivity. Plants are also a simple way to revamp any home. Taking care of plants can be therapeutic during these stressful times. 

Stay healthy with Fitness Class at Home

Whether dad misses the gym or wants to start his fitness journey, fitness gadgets and online workout classes can be useful and healthy gifts to give. For fashion-forward dads who want to live healthier every day, enroll him for online yoga, zumba or aerobics for your father to come out stronger and healthier in the ‘new normal’ to flaunt their fitness.

Secure his life with health insurance plans

Fathers often neglect their own health in enthusiasm to provide us with the best. Why not insure his health with a comprehensive health insurance plan so that he always has worry-free access to quality healthcare? Select a plan that offers a wide-range of benefits. Health insurance acts as a shield to protect a family’s savings in case of unexpected hospitalization and high medical costs. Getting a health insurance for your dad will not only take care of his health for long term but also will give you a peace of mind It is one of the first steps towards being prepared for a better tomorrow.

 Recommend him body check-ups

While following a healthy lifestyle is always advisable, it is also important to monitor health regularly. Gift your father a comprehensive body check-up so that his health is regularly monitored and in case of any health conditions, it shall be detected at a very nascent stage and corrective measures can be taken accordingly.

Gift him a memorable retirement

After dedicating their entire lives to their families, fathers deserve a secure retirement. Even if your dad is already retired, speaking to a financial planner will ensure that he’s maximizing his savings and making the right investments to sustain him for many years to come. But this is one thing that they usually don’t plan for themselves as they are always busy looking after the needs of their family.  Invest in a guaranteed income plan to secure his precious life and to help him be financially independent after retirement.