o9 Solutions Launches a Full-Spectrum Sustainability Solutions Suite

o9 Solutions Launches a Full-Spectrum Sustainability Solutions Suite

Embedded in o9’s Integrated Business Planning Platform, the First-of-Its-Kind Offering Helps Enterprises Improve the Environmental and Social Impact Performance of Their Global Supply Chains

Bangalore, August 10th 2022 – o9 Solutions, a leading enterprise AI software platform provider for transforming planning and decision-making, today announced the launch of a broad and deep set of sustainability solutions that are embedded in its integrated business planning platform, including product and enterprise environmental footprint measurement, full traceability, ESG risk management, ESG-enabled business planning, sustainable sourcing and supply chain circularity. 

The first offering of its kind in the supply chain software space, o9’s new sustainability solutions help organiz ati ons improve the environmental and social impact KPIs of their supply chains and make truly meaningful progr es s toward net-zero goals. Companies that operate some of the largest and most complex global supply chains can now incorporate international standards-based sustainability metrics, analytics and KPIs into the AI-enabled o9 Digital Brain platform, powered by its patented Enterprise Knowledge Graph technology for best-in-class supply chain modeling. Integrating full-spectrum sustainability data into the o9 platform gives companies the ability to assess their performance to sustainability targets within all planning and operational activities, as well as the abi lity to identify and make data-driven decisions around tradeoffs between financial costs, service levels and ESG activities. 

“A significant portion of a company’s environmental and social impact stems from its supply chain activities,” said Stanton Thomas, Senior Vice President of Sustainability, o9 Solutions. “While there is a growing number of sustaina bility-focused software and consulting companies entering the market, susta inability initiatives are cur rently managed outside of core enterprise and sup ply chain planning systems. With our new sustainability sol utions embedded in the o9 platform, we are uniquely positioned to combine our powerful valu e chain modeling technology with a complete data management capability fo r acquiring, validating, cleansing and harmonizing ES G data from diverse stru ctured and unstructured sources. Expanding our product portfolio to include capabi liti es for tracking and managing ESG metrics and KPIs marks an impor tant milestone in o9’s product evolution, and we are excited to help our clie nts meet their toughest sustainable supply chain challenges.”

Throughout the last year, o9 completed several sustainability solution proof of concepts with clients across a wi de range of industries, as well as initiated the co-development of a new CO2 emissions tracking capability wi th a leading manufacturer. The launch of o9’s new sustainability solutions arrives at a pivotal point in time with com panies facing mounting pressure from their stakeholders to reduce their negative environmental and social im pacts, as well as recent regulatory actions in Europe, Asia and the U.S. that could result in barriers to key mark ets or significant fines, if violated. The launch also marks an important next step in o9’s commitment to help lar ge organizations transform their costly, complex and resource-intensive supply chains into efficient and sustain able operating models. It is this mission that drove Generation Investment Management, General Atlantic and its BeyondNetZero venture to join KKR in investing $295 million in o9 to accelerate the adoption of its game-chan ging platform by large enterprises across a wide variety of industries and verticals. 

“Technology is needed to support supply chain leaders in their efforts to set sustainability goals not only to prot ect brand reputation, but also to reduce their vulnerability to future supply chain disruptions related to cli mate change, taxes levied on carbon emissions and other ESG regulation implications,” said Igor Rikalo, Presi dent and COO, o9 Solutions. “At o9, we understand the deeply interconnected nature of sustainability, optimal supply cha in performance and technology. We are excited to open the o9 platform up to a rapidly growing ma rket for ESG s olutions and most importantly, fulfill our mission of helping the world’s largest organizations create  environm entally and socially sustainable supply chains that will benefit all of humanity.”

Learn more about o9’s full suite of sustainability solutions by visiting  https://o9solutions.com/solutions/sustainability/

About o9 Solutions, Inc.

o9 Solutions is a leading AI-powered platform for integrated business planning and decision-making for the en terprise. Whether it is driving demand, aligning demand and supply, or optimizing commercial initiatives, any pl anning process can be made faster and smarter with o9’s AI-powered digital solutions. Bringing together techno logy innovations—such as graph-based enterprise modeling, big data analytics, advanced algorithms for scenario planning, collaborative portals, easy-to-use interfaces and cloud-based delivery—into one platform. For more in formation, please visit www.o9solutions.com.