Net Profit up by 200.22% YoY. Operating Profit up by 21.91% YoY Global Business surpassed 17,15,000 crore

Net Profit up by 200.22% YoY. Operating Profit up by 21.91% YoY Global Business surpassed 17,15,000 crore
Key Highlights  (September 2020 V/s September 2021)
     Net Profit stood at Rs.1333 cr against Net profit of Rs.444 cr for September 2020.
     Operating Profit stood at Rs. 5604 cr grew by 21.91%.
     Treasury Income grew by 95.10%.
     Non-Interest Income grew by 37.54%.
     Fee based income grew by 20.02%.
     Cash Recovery grew by 90.32%.
     Cost to Income Ratio improved by 307 bps.
     Global Business grew by 7.61%.
     Domestic Business grew by 6.84%.
     CASA Deposits increased by 12.04%
     Savings Bank Deposits grew by 12.17%
     Retail Credit grew by 10.46% with Housing loan at 14.21%.
     RAM constitutes 56.90% of Total Advances.
     Net NPA Ratio stood at 3.21% down by 21 bps.
     Provision Coverage Ratio (PCR) at 82.44% improved by 96 bps.
     CRAR stood at 14.37% as at Sep 2021 against 12.77% as at Sep 2020.
     CET1 stood at 10.09% as at Sep 2021. Bank has raised QIP to the tune of Rs. 2500 Cr during Q2FY22.
     Return on Equity stood at 12.36% against 4.82% as at Sep 2020
Key Summary of Business Performance (as on 30.09.2021)
  • Global Business increased by 7.61% (y.o.y) to Rs 1719350 Cr as at Sep 2021 with Global Deposits at Rs 1032536 Cr 8.83% (y.o.y) and Global Advance (gross) at Rs 686813 Cr 5.83% (o.y)
  • Domestic Deposit of the Bank stood at Rs 980337 Cr as at Sep 2021 with growth of 7.61% (y.o.y)
  • Domestic Advances (gross) of the Bank stood at Rs 662991 Cr as at Sep 2021 grew by 5.71% (y.o.y)
  • Retail lending Portfolio increased 10.46% (y.o.y) to Rs 119138 Cr as at Sep 2021
    • Housing Loan Portfolio increased 14.21% y.o.y to Rs 67386 Cr
    • Vehicle Loan portfolio increased 8.38% y.o.y to Rs 13697 Cr
  • Advances to Agriculture grew by 13.92% (y.o.y) to Rs 161632 Cr as at Sep 2021
Asset Quality
  • Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) ratio reduced to 8.42% as at Sep 2021 down from 8.50% as at June 2021, 8.93% at March 2021.
  • Net Non-Performing Assets (NNPA) ratio reduced to 3.21 % as at Sep 2021 down from 3.46% as at June 2021, 3.82% as at March 2021.
  • Provision Coverage Ratio (PCR) stood at 82.44% as at Sep 2021 against 81.18% as at June
Capital Adequacy  
  • CRAR stood at 14.37% as at Sep 2021. Out of which Tier-I is 11.41% and Tier-II is 2.96 %
  • Bank successfully raised capital during FY22 through:
QIP Equity      : Rs.2500 Cr
  • The Capital Raising Plan for FY-22:
AT-1 Bonds     : Rs.4000 Cr
Tier II Bonds   : Rs.2500 Cr
Priority Sector & Financial Inclusion 
  • The Bank has achieved Targets in Priority Sector at 46.27% and Agricultural Credit at 20.49% of ANBC as at Sep 2021, as against the norm of 40% and 18%
  • Credit to small and marginal farmers stood at 13.34% of ANBC, against the norm of 9%.
  • Credit to Weaker Sections stood at 19.64% of ANBC, against the norm of 11%
  • Bank has opened 139 lakhs accounts under PMJDY and mobilised CASA deposits of Rs 6089 Cr as at Sep 2021
  • As on 30.09.2021, the Bank has 9800 Number of Branches, out of which 3037 are Rural, 2796 Semi- Urban, 1971 Urban & 1996 Metro along with 10988 ATMs.