Navyug Global Ventures Backs Taxi’na t o Revolutionize Ride-Hailing industry
· TAXINA MOBILITY PRIVATE LIMITED (Taxi’na), a tech driven mobility solution ns start-up has secured INR 15 million in funding from Chennai headquartered N avyug Global Ventures and its contacts
· Taxi’na’s revolutionary subscription mo del offers a franchise-like opportunity f or drivers with robust entrepreneurial e cosystem, backed by Navyug Global
India, March 24th, 2025 – Taxi’na, a tec h-driven mobility solutions start-up, has raised INR 15 million in funding from Na vyug Global Ventures, headquartered in Chennai. This strategic investment will e nable Taxi’na scale its unique, sustainabl e ride-hailing model, creating a level pla ying field for both drivers and passenger s while empowering happy micro-entre preneurs in the sector. With this backin ng, Taxi’na is poised to redefine the ride-hailing industry with a focus on comple te transparency, fairness and entrepren eurial opportunities.
Taxi’na’s unique subscription model is d esigned to completely transform the wa y drivers and passengers experience the ride-hailing ecosystem. Unlike tradition nal models that leave drivers guessing a bout their earnings after commissions a nd daily deductions, Taxi’na offers a fran chise-like opportunity. Drivers simply p ay a fixed monthly subscription fee, whi ch grants them unlimited access to the f ull Taxi’na ecosystem and technology, w ith no hidden deductions or surprise fee es. This approach eliminates the daily un certainty about take-home pay, giving d rivers complete clarity and peace of min d.
For drivers, this is a game-changer. They no longer need to worry about fluctuati ing commissions or performance targets that can diminish their earnings. By opti ng into the subscription model, they can focus on what matters most—providing excellent service and earning consistent income without the daily stress of unpre dictable deductions. They are empower red to work on their terms, allowing the m to earn a better livelihood while provi ding the highest quality service.
In addition to this, Taxi’na focuses on cre ating an ecosystem that fosters mutual r espect between drivers and passengers. With transparency at the core of the ser vice, passengers know exactly what the y’re paying for, including upfront quotes , vehicle details, arrival times, and driver information. This removes the uncertain nty and stress typically associated with ride-hailing, leading to a more relaxed a nd positive experience for the passenge r.
Mr. Nikhil Chandan MD & CEO of Navyu g Global Ventures said, “Taxi’na has dev eloped a sustainable model consisting of a ride-hailing app and a supportive ecos ystem. This model achieves fairness am ong all drivers by eliminating commissi ons and targets, focusing on delivering t ransparent pricing, nurturing healthy co mpetition among drivers, and safeguard ing end-user interests. We have witness ed remarkable achievements by the Tax i’na team, and we are confident that the leadership of Pinku, Vel Murugan, Bhara th, and Subha will address the tech and digital divide in the sector, creating an e ven more efficient and user-friendly exp erience for everyone involved.”
Mr. Pinku Bharathi, Co-Founder & MD o f Taxi’na, “The ride-hailing industry in In dia is at a crucial turning point, and a sus tainable ecosystem is now essential. By addressing the issues faced by drivers,w ho are the backbone of the industry, we ensure that passengers enjoy a superior and safe ride-hailing experience. When drivers are financially secure and stress-free, they’re able to provide quality serv ice, and when passengers feel respected and well-informed, they’re more likely t o be satisfied. This mutual respect is at t he heart of the Taxi’na experience, ensu ring that both drivers and passengers ar e happy and engaged throughout every ride. With our subscription-based mode l, drivers no longer have to worry about fluctuating commissions, but instead ca n focus on boosting their earnings and p roviding exceptional service. This empo werment is key to creating a thriving ec osystem for everyone.”
“We are thrilled to partner with Nikhil C handan’s Navyug Global Ventures. We s ee them as a strategic ally, bringing inval uable expertise and resources that will e nable us to expand this ecosystem acros s India and beyond. Together, we aim to harness the entrepreneurial spirit of our drivers, provide them with the opportun ities they need and create a seamless, fa ir, and sustainable ride-hailing model.” h e concluded.
Navyug Global Ventures, led by Nikhil C handan, specializes in strategic investm ents in next-gen businesses that are tra nsforming industries. With a strong focu s on sustainable transportation systems, auto finance and electric mobility, Navy ug Global Ventures’ investment will ena ble Taxi’na to rapidly scale its unique mo del across India and internationally. The partnership will help drive the impleme ntation of Taxi’na’s tech ecosystem and subscription model, allowing it to reach new heights and set new standards in th he ride-hailing space.
About Taxina- Taxina Mobility Private L imited is a DPIIT-recognized startup rev olutionizing India’s ride-hailing ecosyste m with a zero-commission model, ensuri ing drivers keep 100% of their earnings while offering fair pricing to passengers . Unlike traditional platforms, Taxina em powers drivers, promotes transparency, and builds a sustainable mobility ecosys tem. We are officially recognized by the Government of Tamil Nadu and the only platform with an LOI to operate auto ser vices in Chennai. With 45,000+ drivers a nd 75,000+ passengers, we currently op erate in Chennai, Salem, Tiruppur, Erode , and Coimbatore. More than just a ride-hailing app, Taxina is creating a fair, tech nology-driven, multi-modal transport ec osystem that benefits both drivers and p assengers across India.
About Navyug Global Ventures–
Navyug Global Ventures, led by Nikhil C handan, is a strategic venture capital fir m that partners with visionary entrepre eneurs building the businesses of the fu ture. As a true growth catalyst, the firm goes beyond capital—offering hands-on support, strategic guidance, and a powe rful network to accelerate each venture e’s journey from idea to industry leaders hip. Headquartered in Chennai, Navyug Global Ventures is driven by a strong be lief in collaborative success and a found er-first philosophy that empowers entr epreneurs to scale with confidence and clarity.
The firm focuses its investments on high h-potential startups across key sectors s uch as technology, fintech, electric mob ility, and FMCG, with a sharp emphasis on innovation, impact, and long-term va lue creation. With a deep commitment t o building enduring companies, Navyug Global Ventures positions itself not just as an investor, but as a trusted partner a nd success catalyst—turning bold vision s into lasting success stories.