Mylapore MLA Tha. Velu Inaugurates Rotary’s Tailoring Skill Development Centre

Mylapore MLA Tha. Velu Inaugurates R otary’s Tailoring Skill Development Cen tre at Dr MGR Janaki College

Event witnesses distribution of 200 po wer sewing machines worth Rs 20 lakhs to women starting their own tailoring u nits

The skill development centre will offer free 3-month tailoring course, in associa tion with Tamil Nadu Government’s Skill Development Department, for women.

Rotary International District 3234, in co llaboration with the Rotary Club of Mad ras and the Women Empowerment, Eco omic Development, and Vocational Serv ices Team, and Access Healthcare, has in augurated the Rotary Skill Developmen t Centre at Dr. MGR Janaki College of Ar ts and Science for Women to provide fre e training for women in tailoring and hel p them find jobs and start their own tail oring ventures.

Thiru. Tha. Velu, MLA of Mylapore, and Rtn. N.S. Saravanan, District Governor o f RID 3234, inaugurated the skill develo pment centre here today. AKS Rtn. Mahi nder Jain, Chairman of Access Healthca re, graced the event as the Guest of Hon our. The event also witnessed the distrib ution of 200 power sewing machines, w orth about Rs. 20 lakhs, to women train ed at Rotary’s existing skill developmen nt centres in Selaiyur, Sembakkam, and Mylapore.

The new centre at Dr. MGR Janaki Arts and Science College for Women will off er a 120-hour tailoring course, spread a cross three months, to women from all walks of life, in collaboration with Tamil Nadu Government’s Skill Development Department. The centre will also facilita te women in finding tailoring jobs or lau nching their own tailoring units by distri buting power sewing machines free of c ost.

Rtn. Dr. Kumar Rajendran, Chairma n of Dr. MGR Janaki College of Arts and Scie nce for Women, who also serves as the District Rotaract Chair, has provided  th e necessary infrastructure for the smoo th operation of the new skill developme nt centre.7 Rotary International Distric t 3234 is planning to train around 1500 500 women every year through all its fo ur skill development centres.

The inaugural and sewing machine distr ibution function was graced by Rtn. G. C hella Krishna, President and Rtn. Rajesh Mani, Honorary Secretary, Rotary Club of Madras; Rtn. S. Ravi IPP, District Conf erence and CSR Grant Chair; Rtn. Sujath a Panju, Chairperson, Vocational Servic es; Rtn. Rhama Ganesh, Chairperson, Ec onomic Development; Rtn. Sanjay Rao C haganti, Director, Vocational Services; R tn. Kamala Selvam, Chairperson, Wome n’s Empowerment and Rtn. Dr. Kumar R ajendran.