Member of the Amalgamations Group and India’s leading manufacturer

Member of the Amalgamations Group and India’s leading manufacturer and exporter of metal cutting tools,

Addison & Co., Ltd. reaffirms its trust in Ramco

Upgrades its 25 years of association with Ramco’s next-gen ERP software for real-time information and visibility, thereby embarking on a digital transformation

Chennai, INDIA – January 04, 2023 – Global enterprise software solutions provider, Ramco Systems announced that it will provide its next-gen Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software to Addison & Co., Ltd., strengtheni ng its 25-year association with India’s leading manufacturer and exporter of metal cutting tools.

Ramco’s ERP software will offer Addison modules covering Finance & Accounts, Inventory, Purchases, Sales, Pro duction, Quality Management and Maintenance Management, as well as a Supplier & Customer Portal on a singl e integrated platform. The solution will provide Addison with real-time information availability across the busin ess and reporting capabilities to support their decision making. In addition, with its features like Mobility and Ru le-Based Notifications, Ramco’s ERP software will provide Addison’s employees instant notifications and assist t hem in taking appropriate action, anytime and anywhere.

G.Giridhara Gopal,  Director & Chief Executive Officer, Addison & Co., Ltd., said, “For the past 25 years, our part nership with Ramco  played a key role in maintaining our position as India’s leading manufacturer and exporter o f cutting tools. To scale to further heights, we have yet again embarked on a journey to digitally transform our bu siness. With Ramco’s extensive expertise and the advanced capabilities of its ERP software, we are confident th at we will attain a sharpened edge for our business.”

Rajeshkumar A., Whole Time Director &CFO, Addison & Co., Ltd., said, “With the excellent support Ramco has provided over the years, it was a simple decision for us to renew our trust in them to digitally transform our ope rations. We look forward to working with them to take our organization to the next level.”

Prashanth Vasu, President & Head – Ramco ERP Software, Ramco Systems, said, “We are privileged to reaffirm o ur longstanding ties with Addison. As one of our first customers, it is heartening to see the trust and belief the co mpany has placed on us, to digitally transform their organization. We are delighted to partner with them to provi de a next-gen platform that will help them continue to be pioneers in the cutting tool industry.”


Ramco ERP has been delivering significant innovation, cost savings, and superior business processes to global o rganisations. Ramco’s focus on usability, context-awareness, mobility, overall flexibility and comprehensive fu n ctionality has enabled smooth technological transitions for customers.

About Addison & Co., Ltd.:

Addison & Co is a 148-year-old company and is a part of the the Amalgamations group, a much esteemed and ve nerated name among business houses in India. The group has operations in a broad range of industries, such as tr actors, auto components, industrial consumables, logistics, agricultural products etc.

Addison & Co have been pioneers in cutting tool manufacture and exports in India since 1955. At Addison, cutti ng tools are manufactured with strict adherence to global standards at a state-of-the-art factory in Chennai, In dia. A rigorous quality control regime, efficient supply chains and an ear for customer feedback have made Ad dison the preferred tooling partners for demanding customers in Europe, USA, South America, Africa, Australia and other quality conscious markets across the world.

Addison’s product range includes cutting tools made of High-Speed Steel and Carbide such as Drills, Reamers, Ta ps, Milling Cutters, End Mills, etc. The in-house development team can design and prototype special tools for spe cialized applications and the manufacturing facility can produce tools with minimal lead time. A well-establishe d , efficient supply chain l ensures prompt delivery to any corner of the world.

About Ramco Systems:

Ramco is a next-gen enterprise software player disrupting the market with its multi-tenant cloud and mobile-ba sed enterprise software in HR and Global Payroll, ERP and M&E MRO for Aviation. Part of the USD 1 billion Ram co Group, Ramco Systems focuses on Innovation and Culture to differentiate itself in the marketplace. On the In novation front, Ramco has been focusing on moving towards Active ERP leveraging Artificial Intelligence and  Machine Learning by building features such as Talk It – which allows transactions to be carried out by simple vo ice commands, Bot it – which allows users to complete transactions using natural conversations; Mail It – tra nsa ct with the application by just sending an email; HUB It – a one screen does it all concept built to address all activ ities of a user; Thumb It – mobility where the system presents users with option to choose rather than type val ues and Prompt It – a cognitive ability which will let the system complete the transaction and prompts the user for approval. 

With 2000+ employees spread across 28 offices, globally, Ramco follows a flat and open culture where employ e es are encouraged to share knowledge and grow. No Hierarchies, Cabin-less Offices, Respect work and not titles, among others are what makes the team say, Thank God it’s Monday! 

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