Lyricist “Madhan Karky” about The easiest way to learn Tamil ‘Payil’ courses by Karky

Lyricist “Madhan Karky” about The easiest way to learn Tamil ‘Payil’ courses by Karky

 Lyricist “Madhan Karky” about The easiest way to learn Tamil ‘Payil’ courses by Karky Research Foundation


Nikil Murukan



The easiest way to learn Tamil

‘Payil’ courses by Karky Research Foundation

Karky Research Foundation has designed and developed a new syllabus and material to teach Tamil. They have started online classes for people from all over the world to learn Tamil from the comfort of their home. In the pa st three months, hundreds of students have enrolled and completed ‘Payil’ courses. Students from India, USA, Au stralia, Germany, Cyprus, Malaysia and Singapore have benefitted from these online courses.

‘Read/Write’, ‘Speak’, ‘Grammar’ and ‘Literature’ are four courses offered in ‘Payil. These courses have been desi gned to enable people from all age groups to learn together. Eight year olds and eighty year olds are attending on line Payil classes simultaneously and interacting to learn the world’s oldest language in the newest way. This sy llabus, material and methodology has received great feedback from the students and parents.

Parents who live abroad and non-Tamil speaking states in India have thanked the effort for helping realize their life time dream of getting their kids to read/write and speak in Tamil. Queen Mira International school in Mad urai has already introduced ‘Payil’ syllabus for their students to learn Tamil. Learning Tamil through songs, st ories and various art forms along with online games and offline activities attracts children and adults of this ge neration.

Payil’s ‘Read/Write’ is a simple but novel methodology to introduce the Tamil alphabet by clearly explaining the relationship between the grapheme and phoneme with the aid of simple rules. At the end of 30 small sessions, students were able to read stories and even started attempting to write their own stories.Payil’s ‘Speak’ is a co urse that teaches spoken Tamil. The course teaches the grammar for spoken Tamil via 25 different scenarios. Words, phrases and sentences used in various scenarios are taught with comics, stories and interactive games in the online classes.

‘Grammar’ course breaks down the Tamil grammar into easily accessible short online sessions. Every section has numerous classroom activities and offline activities to explore the 3500 year old Tamil grammar. Our students have given feedback that learning grammar was never this fun. Payil’s ‘Ilakkiyam’ introduces literature from the Sangam era to modern movie songs. The course discusses short stories, novels, poems and songs across time.

This course is designed in such a way that students and teachers explore all aspects from understanding the wor ds to poetic elements and delving deep inside the literary work to appreciate it. Class room activities such as s tudents answering ‘how will you replace this line if you were the author’, ‘why does the author want to leave the fish back in the water after fishing it?’ develops a deeper understanding of literature and sows seeds of creativity in children and adults. The course details can be found in Karky Research Foundation is wo rking towards taking ‘Payil’ syllabus and teaching methodology to schools worldwide and is also working on va rious language-related research projects.