LifeCell India Launches Comprehensive Breast Screen Panel to Accurately Identify Breast Cancer Risk in Women  

LifeCell India Launches Comprehensive Breast Screen Panel to Accurately Identify Breast Cancer Risk in Women

 ~ The revolutionary genetic test helps screen common genes associated with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer in women above 18 years of age

 National, 9th March 2022: LifeCell, one of India’s leading comprehensive healthcare solutions providers announced the launch of Breast Screen Panel, a comprehensive genetic screening test that assesses the risk of breast cancer in women. This announcement comes in the midst of International Women’s Day which is also aimed at educating women on the importance of preventive healthcare.  

A steady increase in breast cancer cases in India poses a major health challenge and it is predicted that 1 in 29 women will develop this cancer during their lifetime. Hence, early detection is the key to saving lives. With traditional screening tests, there still remain limitations related to false-positive results, overdiagnosis, as well as anxiety and discomfort during the procedure. Complementary genetic testing can help in accurately assessing the risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancers, give patients a sense of certainty and relief regarding their future risk, as well as improve the chances of getting the timely and right treatment.


Commenting on this launch, Mr. Ishaan Khanna, CEO & Executive Director, LifeCell International said, “At LifeCell, we believe that every woman deserves equal access to the affordable and best healt hcare services. The launch of the Breast Screen panel is no different in fulfilling that commitment. This powerful tool will help women know their risk of developing breast cancer and provide insights to help them and their doctors choose the best option to manage that risk.  We are hopeful that this panel will help close the gaps in the care of women at high risk and help save lives.”

LifeCell’s Breast Screen panel not only screens for the mutations in the most common BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes but also screens for all 20 high and moderate risk non-BRCA genes associated with hereditary breast and ovari an cancer as outlined by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN) guidelines. Additionally, the panel utilizes next-generation sequencing which not only offers higher throughput, coverage (including deletion & duplication), and speed but also higher accuracy than other predictive tests. LifeCell will also offer expert gen etic

counselling support and verified reports from clinical geneticists to help women navigate through their scre ening journey.

With the launch of the affordable Breast Screen Panel, women, as well as physicians, will have access to this powerful risk assessment tool to get vital insights that can help save lives.

About LifeCell – Established in 2004, LifeCell is India’s first and largest community stem cell bank, enjoying the trust of over 3,50,000 parents. We are the only player in the industry providing comprehensive stem cell solut ions including the novel initiative of community stem cell banking, R&D, and stem cell therapy for orthopedic and vascular specialties. Our diagnostic division offers India’s most comprehensive preventive healthcare pro gr am for prenatal health and newborn care, consisting of preconception, prenatal and newborn testing services aimed at addressing the challenge of high infant mortality rate in the country as well as promoting health and wellness for generations to come.

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