LifeCell Diagnostics Becomes the First in India to Launch Comprehensive Preeclampsia Screening

LifeCell Diagnostics Becomes the First in India to Launch Comprehensive Preeclampsia Screening

 The addition of a new biomarker to the screening panel enables detection of late-onset preeclampsia in the third trimester 

Chennai, 20th July, 2021:LifeCell, one of the leading diagnostics and healthcare solutions companies, is now the first provider in India to offer screening for both early-onset and late-onset preeclampsia during pregnancy. This la unch is a significant milestone as the currently available diagnostic tests in the country screen only for early-onset preeclampsia. LifeCell has previously introduced the first-trimester preeclampsia screening based on de tection of placental growth factor (PIGF) levels. However, the addition of another important biomarker, sFLT-1 (soluble FMS-like tyrosine kinase-1) in the screening panel will enable the prediction of preeclampsia and help in accurate diagnosis even in the third trimester. 

Preeclampsia, a serious complication of pregnancy, affects 8-10% of Indian women and is characterized by high blood pressure that can damage major organs. Additionally, it can also lead to slow or restricted growth of the fetus, preterm birth, stillbirth, low birth weight or even prove fatal. Late-onset preeclampsia occurs in about 75-80% of all cases of preeclampsia and is associated with maternal morbidity (metabolic syndrome, impaired gluc ose tolerance, obesity, dyslipidemia, chronic hypertension), as well as normal birth weight and placental volume.

LifeCell’s comprehensively designed preeclampsia screening tests adhere to protocols defined by the Fetal Me dicine Foundation and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Additionally, the tests pro vide reliable results based on the biochemical markers along with ultrasound findings and the mother’s medical history. The early-onset preeclampsia screening test is performed along with combined first-trimester screening (CFTS) to evaluate the levels of PIGF in the mother’s blood. As the ASPRE trial demonstrated, the early detection of preeclampsia using CFTS can be managed with the administration of low-dose aspirin in high-risk women, red ucing the risk of preterm preeclampsia by more than 60%.

Additionally, LifeCell’s late-onset preeclampsia screening evaluates a different biomarker, sFlt-1. In women who develop pre-eclampsia, the levels of sFlt-1 are thought to be higher than those seen in normal pregnancy. The scr eening for late-onset preeclampsia, thus, measures the sFlt-1 and PlGF ratio which effectively allows identifica tion of low-risk pregnancies that are at a high risk of developing preeclampsia.

Dr.  ChinmayeeRathe, Fetal Medicine Consultant, Resolution Fetal Medicine Centre, Hyderabad said, “Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific complication leading to maternal hypertension and multisystem disorders which can be life-threatening to the mother as well as the fetus. Since treatment for this condition is ultimately delivering, it remains an important cause of iatrogenic prematurity.  Reducing the incidence and/or severity of pr eeclampsia can improve perinatal health significantly. Women who have preeclampsia are at higher risk of me di cal problems in later life and thus screening and prevention of preeclampsia in pregnancy is a very important he alth intervention”

Dr. ChanderLulla Consultant Sonologist& Fetal Medicine Specia list,India is the stillbirth capital of the world. Pr eeclampsia is an important cause of death and complications for the mother and baby. Screening for preeclam p sia at 11–13 weeks can identify about 90% of women who develop early Preeclampsia and admi nistration of as pirin, 150 mg/day reduces the rate of early Preec lampsia by about 90%. It is strongly recommended to provide Preeclampsia screening to our prospective mothe rs.“

This new addition in the testing suite of LifeCell Diagnostics will bolster its commitment to provide relevant and reliable test results that not only help doctors make the right clinical decisions but also improve maternal and ne wborn health.

 About LifeCell:

Established in 2004, LifeCell is India’s first and largest community stem cell bank, enjoying the trust of over 3,50, 0 00 parents. We are the only player in the industry offering comprehensive stem cell solutions including the nov el initiative of community stem cell banking and point-of-care stem cell therapy for orthopaedic and vascular sp ecialities. LifeCell’s Diagnostics division started in 2012, offers the most advanced and comprehensive diagnosti c programs for preconception, prenatal as well as newborn health in more than 1200 hospitals across 200 cities. We have spearheaded various biochemical, genetic, and cytogenetic testing services including COVID detection and related patient management tests. Our innovative healthcare & diagnostic solutions are aimed at addressin g the challenge of high infant & maternal mortality rates in the country and to provide actionable insights to help clinicians make better decisions, thus, promoting health for the generations to come.