Kichcha Sudeep’s ‘Vikrant Rona’ to enthrall the audience with a 7-minute single-shot climax action sequence

Kichcha Sudeep’s ‘Vikrant Rona’ to enthrall the audience with a 7-minute single-shot climax action sequence

The makers of Kichcha Sudeep starrer Vikrant Rona are leaving no stone unturned in promoting the movie, sche duled for worldwide theatrical release on July 28, 2022. The visual promos have sent forth an absolute beam of heavy-level expectations, and the movie has already taken the top position in the preference list of Indian audie nces.

Besides, the songs have furthermore intensified the Vikrant fever to a greater degree, and the audiences a re inquisitively looking up to the big day of its theatrical release. In particular, the movie boasting of extraordin ary action and stunt sequences has driven the fans to the pinnacle of exhilaration. During this juncture, the make rs have revealed a piece of exciting information that the cli max action episode will be a 7-minute single-shot seq uence. The makers believe that it will be the peak of excitement for the au di ence, who have more engrossing moments throughout the movie.

Vikrant Rona, Written and directed by Anup Bhandari, and produc ed by Shalini Jack Manju & Alankar Pandian is scheduled for wor ldwide theatrical release on July 28, 2022. The movie features Kichcha Sudeep, Nirup Bhandari, Neetha Ashok, and Jacqueline Fernandez as the lead charact ers. Ajaneesh Loknath is composing music, and th e songs have alr eady managed to top the charts. William David is handling cinematography, and Ashik Kusugolli is taking care of editing.