Kantara ( DAB ) Tamil Movie Review

Kantara ( DAB ) Tamil Movie Review


Rishab Shetty , Sapthami Gowda   , Kishore   , Achyuth Kumar   , Pramod Shetty   , Shanil Guru  , Prakash Thumina d  , Manasi Sudhir  , Naveen D Padil   , Swaraj Shetty   , Deepak Rai Panaaje  , Pradeep Shetty , Rakshith Ramachan dra Shetty , Pushparaj Bollara , Raghu Pandeshwar  , Pushparaj Bollur  , Mime Ramdas  , Basuma Kodagu  , Ranjan Saju  , Rajeev Shetty  , Atish Shetty  , Radhakrishna Kumbale , Naveen Bondel  ,  Shine Shetty  , Vinay Biddappa  , Pragathi Rishab Shetty 


Written and Directed by : Rishab Shetty , Produced by : Vijay Kiragandur , Studio : Hombale Films ,  Music & Ba ckg round Score : B Ajaneesh Loknath , Director of Photography : Arvind S Kashyap , Direction Team : Shivaachir anthanaa * Rakesh BJ *  Sham Prasad *  Pratheek * Jayamallikarjun * Aditya B poojar *  Ranjan, Shreyas * Bangara ppa, Sharath * Ashwath *  Shreya * Dhanush Kumar ,  Co-Written by : Anirudh Mahesh * Shanil Guru , Raj B Shet ty * Sham Pr asad *  Prakash Tuminad , Executive Producer : Karthik , Production Incharge : Adarsh J A , Editor : Pratheek Shetty * K M Prakash , Trailer Edited by : Pratheek Shetty , Production Design : Dharani Gange Putra , Action : Vikram Mor , Choreography: kul Bhushan, Raj B Shetty , Dubbing : Suresh Guna (Renu Film Studio) *Shi noy V Joseph (CAD Stud io) , Costume Designer : Pragathi Rishab Shetty , Script Supervisor : Shanil Guru , Post-production Supervisor : Nith esh Nanjundaradhya , Sound Design : Rajakrishnan M R , Production Managers : Ch ampakadama Babu * Gagan Murthy ,


VFX : Digital Turbo Media (Lavan & Kushan) , Digital Intermediate : Color Pl anet Studios (Remesh C P) , PRO : Yu varaaj , Make-Up : C R Vinay , Local Co-ordination : Suhas Shetty * Pra vveen Shetty , Gaffer Manu , Still : Vijeth , Publicity Design : Kaani Studio , Cashier : Suresh, Shashikanth S , Title anim ation : Pinaka Studio , Subtitled by : Mad hu Daithota * Samarth Madhusudan Rao , Marketing team : Kapil Shah * Naren Marol *  Prasad Bhimanadh am * Anil , Shreya * Suman Raj * Rakesh * Sunith* Adith , Supervising Sound Ed itor : Arun S Mani (Oli Sound Labs) , Sound Desi gned @ Oli Sound Labs Chennai , Sound Editor : Raju Albert *  Sa ndeep Kumar, Asst Sound Editor : Vibul Haridas , Foley Mixer : Prathap K ,Foley Artists : Paul Kamazhan*  Rhenious Praison * Vijay Pachaiyappan Foley Performed @ AVE WORX Sound Station , Keyboard : B Ajaneesh Loknath , Rhythm : B. Ajaneesh Loknath*  Andrewson*  Kalyan Chakravarthy , Live Percussions : Kundapur folk artists , Live Sound Recording by Shine T K*Jithu CR* Arun Varma ,Equipment Supplier Mile Studios *Kochi Sojan Sound*Kochi , Mixed by  : Eng Rajakr is hnan Chennai , Coordinator : K. D. Vincent , Music Production : Bobby C.R., B. Ajaneesh Loknath AbbsStudios Bangalore , Tamil Theatrical Released ; Dream Warrior Pictures ,etc .


In 1847, the king agrees with Panjurli Daiva/Bhoota (an Animist form of spirit worshipped by the locals of Ud upi/Mangalore region and some parts of western ghats of Karnataka and Kasargod district of Northern Kerala) to trade the forest land to the local tribes people in exchange for peace and happiness by Daiva. Though the Da iva agrees, the tribal people warns the king that the family of the Daiva would follow the diety and any attempt to go back on the word will incur the wrath of the Guliga Daiva. In 1970, the king’s successor gets consumed by greed and demands the tribal people to give the land back during the Bhoota Kola festival and warns about go ing to court, but after a few months dies a mysterious death.

In 1990, Muralidhar is a forest officer, who wants the forest land to be untouched, but is challenged by a Kamba la athlete named Kaadubettu Shiva, along with the backing of the his master and the village’s landlord De ven dr a Suttooru, who is the son of the king’s successor in present day. Murali and Shiva are at loggerheads with each other and decide to reject the forest by fencing the forest land and makes Shiva’s girlfriend and a forest guard named Leela to convince the villagers, but they refuse and insults them, where they manage to fence the fo rest land and brutally suppress Shiva and the villagers. Meanwhile, Shiva is asked to perform the Buta Kola fe stival, but he refuses as his father disappeared in front of him while performing the rituals.


While roaming around the forest with Devendra to meet the former’s girlfriend, Shiva witness the diety that al ways occur in his dreams and run away in fear, along with Devendra. Due to ego, Murali decide to arrest Shiva a nd his friends, where he heads to their hideout along with Devendra’s henchman Sudhakara. However, Shiva and friends went into hiding, but are later captured and imprisoned. When Shiva’s cousin-brother Guruva request D evendra to release Shiva, the latter tells him to make the villagers believe that the Daiva wants them to sell their land to Devendra, but Guruva refuses due to which Devendra kills him. It is revealed that Devendra wanted to s eek vengeance against the Daiva and the villagers for killing his father, where he wants the villagers to sell their land to him.

Devendra learns that Murali has decided to take action against him about his illegal ways of acquiring the land w here he decide to kill him. Having learnt about Guruva’s death, Shiva meets Devendra, who lies about Murali b e ing Guruva’s killer. Enraged, Shiva heads to kill Murali, but learns from his friend that Devendra himself is Guru va’s killer. Shiva gets attacked by Sudhakara, but manages to escape. After learning about Devendra’s illegal way of acquiring the land from Murali, Shiva also reveals to the villagers about Devendra’s involvement in Guruva’s death. Devendra and his henchman attack the village where an intense battle ensues, where Shiva gets seriously injured and falls down and then Guliga Daiva possesses him and decapitates Devendra and his henchman. Post this, during Bhoota Kola, Shiva performs the festival where he again gets possessed by the Daiva and disappears into the forest forever. The film ends with Shiva and Leela’s son asking Sundara about his father’s disappearance.

Watch The Trailor-;

Movie Review-;

A king living in the period of 847 is suffering without peace despite having money, fame and wife. He went to m any places and met many priests to pray for peace of mind, but he did not get it anywhere. Finally the king travels into the forest and finds a goddess there. He thinks that the peace and happiness that he lost at the moment of m eeting the goddess should last for a long time so that the king can get it.For that the deity decrees to give his lan ds to the people living in that area. The king does the same. But his descendants who follow the king try to take a way those lands from the people.To warn the god, one person dies in that incident. Then in the 1990s a farmer ap pears to be in favor of the people and tries to take the land away from the people. In the end, the land was taken away from the people.. or not? What is God’s order? What is the condition of the people living there?

The rest of the story of the film is the answers to the questions included.Rishabh Shetty who has written and dir ected the film is the most important strength of the film. Whether it is the opening scene of his entry in the buff alo competition called ‘Kampala’, the scenes where he proudly stands up for his people, the aggressive performa nce in which he turns into a goddess in the climax, all of them make not only the film but also him to be celebrat ed. Kishore as a forest officer and Achyut Kumar as a farmerAll the other characters who travel along with the pr otagonist have done justice to the given character. But the scene where the character who comes as a Muslim b oy is related to the bomb should be avoided.Even though it is a common story of people struggling to reclaim th eir lands, the screenplay by introducing Natar Deiva (guardian deity) took us into another world.

All the scenes where that deity comes will give us a thrill with some kind of fear. Kudos to Rishabh Shetty for th at. Similarly, the setting of the scenes by giving importance to the characters and keeping the location of the film in the jungle with the story is beautiful. Although songs are inserted for commercials in between the film, the fa st paced screenplay keeps us from getting bored. The work of the cinematographer Arvind, who has so beautifu lly displayed the forest and its related places with his camera eyes, is special. Music composer B Ajaneesh Lokna th has a strong stamp on Pinnani music. All in all, the experience of Gandhara is an unforgettable experience. The people are fighting against the heirs of the king to get back the hundred acres of land that was given as a gift to t he people during the monarchy. What happened in the end? 

Gandhara is a film based on the worship of a small deity in a forest village on the border of Karnataka. Rishabh She tty has written and directed and also acted as the hero. In the beginning, he hangs out with his friends dri nk ing al cohol and participating in games like buffalo fights and hunting pigs in the forest. In the struggle to save the la nd, he has taken the form of Vishwarapam and is intimidating. When Sami climbs on top of him, he sings like o w ow, and his chanting is great. Saptami Gowda is playing the heroine. On the one hand, the forest depar tment, wh ich takes away his land including his house, and on the other hand, the same forest department job, which is his long-time dream, has correctly expressed the struggle between the two. Kishore has played the role of a fo rest officer. A great role for him after a long break. His acting made it even better. Achyutkumar, who plays the king’s heir, is quiet and amazing.

Ajanupagu has shown through acting that not only aggression but also silence is a danger. Listen to songs com po sed by B. Ajaneesh Loknath. The background music, especially in the scenes of deity worship, is well suited to the field. Arvind S. Kashyap’s cinematography has beautifully showcased the beauty of Karnataka’s border villages. The scenes of deity worship are thrilling. Cinematography by KM Prakash and Prateek Shetty, the film moves sm oothly. Rishabh Shetty has revealed in the screenplay that Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have many similarities in d eity worship. Important news to note is that the deities speak in Tulu language. It is ironic that in the end the go vernment’s forest department is said to protect nature. Gandhara praises.

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4.5 /5