K7 Enterprise Security solution achieves world’s top rating

K7 Enterprise Security solution achieves world’s top rating

~Achieves 100% Protection Rate in AV-Comparatives’ Real-World Protection Test~

 Chennai, 25th May 2021 – K7 Computing Private Limited (www.k7computing.com), a global major in cybers ecurity, announced that its K7 Enterprise Security solution was a top scorer in the Real-World Protection Test conducted by global rating agency, AV‑Comparatives of Austria.

Organisations around the world are adopting flexible working models where employees leverage high‑speed res idential internet platforms to work from home. This exposes them to internet borne threats which can spread ac ross the enterprise from just one compromised endpoint, threatening the security, reputation, and financial sta bility of the entire organisation.

The Real-World Performance Test conducted by AV-Comparatives comprises of 373 test cases designed to as sess the effectiveness of enterprise cybersecurity solutions against visible and relevant malicious websites, web-based malware, and in-the-wild exploits.

AV-Comparatives is an independent, globally recognised organisation that tests the capabilities of cybersecurity products. K7 Computing was among the leaders in the Real-World Performance Test with a 100% Protection Ra te.

Commenting on the test results, Mr. J Kesavardhanan, Founder an d CEO of K7 Computing, remarked “This fu rther accentuates and reinforces our World No 1 rating. Enterprise cybersecurity has to supp ort evolving working models and protect end users against real-world cyberthreats because the future of work is not restricted to well-protec ted offic es. The Real-World Performance Test by AV-Comparatives is a rigorous test of how well cybersecurity solutions can prot ect organis ations against the most significant cyberthreats to be found online. I am proud and delighted that our K7 Ent erprise Security solution was successful in all the 373 tests it was subject to.” 

The complete results for the AV-Comparatives Real-World Performance Test are available at https://www.av-comparatives.org/tests/business-security-test-march-april-2021-factsheet/

About K7 Computing

K7 Computing is a global provider of leading IT security solutions for enterprises and consumers. Incorporated in 1991, K7 Computing has its registered office in Chennai and a strong presence in all Indian states. With more than 20,000 channel partners, K7 Computing is protecting more than 25 million customers worldwide against the threats to their IT environment. K7 Computing has always believed in offering completely indigenous secu rity products to its users worldwide. The recent notification from the Indian Ministry of Electronics and Info rmation Technology (MeitY) on procurement of 100% indigenous cyber security products establishes K7 Co mputing as the only Indian player to comply with the Public Procurement Order 2018 for Cyber Security Pro ducts.

K7 Computing was accepted as the first Indian anti-virus company in Japan, partnering with Source Next to dis tribute K7 Total Security under the name ‘Virus Security Zero’. Source Next Corporation is Japan’s top-most do mestic PC software seller with access to more than 25,000 retail shelves across the country. The widely acclaim ed product commands a major market share in the retail segment in Japan. K7 Computing has been certified wit h ISO 9001:2015 & 27001:2013 for Quality & Risk Management.

For further information visit www.k7computing.com