Jppan tamil Movie Review

Jppan tamil Movie Review


Karthi , Anu Emmanuel , Jithan Ramesh , K. S. Ravikumar , Sunil , Vijay Milton , Vagai Chandrasekhar , Bava Chell adurai , Mohamed Irfan   ,  Koushik Mahata , Vagai Chandrasekhar , Ashna Sudheer , Sanal Aman ,Sunil Kumar Tri pathi and others. 


Directer  : Rajumurugan , Production House : Dream Warrior Pictures , Producers : S R Prakash Babu, S R Prabu , Cr eative Producer : Thangaprabaharan R , Executive Produce r: Aravendraj Baskaran , DOP : S. Ravi Varman , M usic : GV Prakash Kumar , Editor : Philomin Raj , Stunts : Anl Arasu , Lyrics : Yugabharathi, Arunraja Kamaraj , Dia logues : Raju Murugan, C. Murugesh babu , Production Designer : Banglan , Production Controller : Rajendr an P S , Costume Designer : Praveen Raja , Art Director : Mahendran , Costumes : Mohammed Subier , Sound Design  : Tapas Nayak , Colorist : Ken Metzker , DI : Red Chillies.Color , VFX : Bhishma Studio , Make up : Surya Prakash , C horeography : Sa ndy, Jani , EP Associate : Allaudin Hussain, Sathappa S , Promotions : Esakki Muthu K , PRO : Jo hnson, Label :  Sareg ama India Limited, A RPSG Group Company and others.


We know from the trailer that the basic story of the movie “Japan” is the fight between the high-class thief and the police officers. So, did Raju Murugan work magic in the screenplay? Let’s buy that… Jewelery worth ₹ 200 cro res looted from biggest jewelery shop in Coimbatore. The home minister’s family also has a stake in this jewelle r’s shop, which is putting pressure on the police. In the investigation conducted by the police team led by Sunil V erma on one side and Vijay Milton on the other side, it is revealed that this was an incident done by Japan (Kart hi). Meanwhile, Karthi, who is a Vallalla from Wari, falls in love with Sanju (Anu Emmanuel), an actress. Vijay Mil ton sketches Karthi who goes to the shooting spot in search of him and escapes with Anu Emmanuel. On the way, Sunil Verma talks a deal with Karthi. But Karti says that he didn’t do this theft, then who did such a big theft?.. W hat is the reason to involve Karti in this? The movie “Japan” tells that with a captivating screenplay.  

Watch The Video-;

Movie Review-;

The director has taken the game between the thief and the police as the story. In the film there is a huge jewelry store in Coimbatore. Jewelery worth 200 crores is looted in this shop. The police are working hard to find this o ut. Not only that, the home minister’s family also has a stake in this jewelry shop, so they are putting more press ure on the police. Also, police teams led by Sunil Verma and Vijay Milton are investigating both sides. Then the in vestigation revealed that this work was done by Japan. Meanwhile, Karthi falls in love with Anu, who plays the heroine.


Later, while Karthik is going to the suiting bot in search of him, the police are also swinging their hammers. Som ehow Karthi escapes with Anu. Then Karthik deals with Sunil Varma. He says I didn’t do this theft. What is Karth ik’s reason for committing this theft in the end? Who told you to do this? What is the reason to trap Karthi? That is the rest of the story of the film. Jewelers worth 200 crore rupees were robbed at Royal Jewelers in Coimbato re. Based on the way the robbery happened, it is suspected that it may be the handiwork of the famous robber ‘J apan’, and two special forces are formed to search for him.

This same Japan is not only a Pan India thief but also a part-time actor! What is the real background of such a ch aracter, what is his problem, who really committed this theft, how can a thief be an actor, why is the police keepi ng him outside, the story of the film is to find answers (!) to the questions that are enough to ask. Karthi is a mur derous thief with a mix of licks and satire, who doesn’t care about anything in life. His humorous one-liners at ma ny places are enjoyable. As usual, he has contributed well in the action scenes as well. But I couldn’t enjoy that w eird voice modulation that was dragging and dragging.

It has a bit of an overdosed bass though with a ‘leopard’ vibe! As usual, the heroine character is left in limbo as t he unwritten rule of Tamil cinema, so heroine Anu Emanuel has only done as much as she can for it. Vagai Chan drasekhar is the character who travels with Karthi throughout the film. Some of the ‘punches’ that he delivers li ke Bible verses are entertaining. Vijay Milton and Sunil as police officers have done justice to their given charac ters. Sunil’s body language makes us laugh, especially in the scenes where he jerks Karthi’s threats. His reels of v ideos are amazing! Jitan Ramesh has played the role which gives a ‘surprise’ twist.

But in acting, that surprise is nowhere to be found. K. Ravivarman has given excellent cinematography in the low light scenes in the rain and the chase scenes on the mountain roads. But in other scenes his stamp is nowhere to be seen. Cinematographer Philomin Raj has skimmed the conflicting emotions back and forth from one scene to the next. An environment in which no feeling can be fully experienced emerges. GV Prakash’s background score in the palm blast scene is missing elsewhere. Apart from the Amma song that comes at the end, the rest is about the same! The way the film starts with robbery and investigation, it starts to slow down after the introduction of the characters.

The film makes us so tired that it takes us on foot to Japan without any clarity as to where the screenplay is trave ling towards. However, the occasional verses are a great comfort. In particular, “My mother gave me the name of Japan sage, Japan was destroyed in the Second World War and we built it from the left that can never be built ag ain. If that’s the same as me” is the mass type, “Look at the logic in the empty left! Did you see the grafting left” e tc. ‘Raju Murugan touch’. Similarly, the story told in the climax scene and the dialogues written for it are special! The way it showed the plights of the largely overlooked community of extracting gold from waste water and the way it prepared for fake encounters was commendable.

But since they are only superficially grazing and do not contribute to the main story in any way, it gives a feeling that ‘that good intention alone is not enough’. Why does the protagonist go looking for the heroine and what hap pened to the heroine who was left in the car is a subject that is searched on Google even after the end of the film. On the whole, “Japan”, which has seen a rise after the Second World War online, is stuck in a tragedy that canno t be seen as a screenplay and visual language. It is Karthi as the Japanese sage who anchors the film. For name an d fame, he is crawling as a jovial man after committing a theft incident without evidence and filming the same, gi ving interviews to YouTube channels.

It is not only bad but it is also enjoyable to change the voice. Also, Vijay Milton, Sunil Verma, Vagai Chandrase kh ar, Jitan Ramesh, KS Ravikumar are required for the story but there are not many scenes for acting. If you st art watching the film with the expectation of how the conflicted police officers Vijay Milton and Sunil Verma are go ing to catch Karthi with Jolly Thir, it becomes a little disappointing. That’s because it’s a story about a pan India heist, so the screenplay goes from state to state causing confusion. This also hinders the fast moving story. On t he other hand, Raju Murugan has parodied daily incidents in all areas like politics, cinema, sports, police through dialogues.

(It may be recalled that earlier his Joker, Gypsy also had scenes and lines criticizing the government). As for back ground music, G.V. Prakash Kumar has done what is required for the film. Ravi Varman’s cinematography polishe s the chase scenes and the fight scenes. Even though there are comedy, love, tragedy, action, thriller in Japanese films, none of them are connected as dots in the line of story, but the biggest minus is that. So, those who think th at without logic, celebrating Diwali festival with a film is enough, you can pay a visit to the Japanese film. 

This IS MY Personal Review So Please Go And Watch The Movie In Theaters Only

Written By- T.H.PRASAD -B4U-Ratting – 4 /5