It’s a pleasure to inform you all that Filmmaker Venkatesh Kumar G from Tamilnadu has been invited

It’s a pleasure to inform you all that Filmmaker Venkatesh Kumar G from Tamilnadu has been invited

It’s a pleasure to inform you all that Filmm ak er Venkatesh Kumar G from Tamilnadu has been invited by the Leo Tolstoy Estate Muse um at Yasnaya Polyana, Tula, Russia to parti cip ate in their 100th Anniversary Celeb rati on s as a Guest Speaker. He earlier visited the House of Leo Tolstoy in 2019 and gifted the Tamil book “Kadhaima nik kovai” Stories fr om Tolstoy written by his great grandfather Rao Sahib K Kothandapani Pillai in 1932. It was the first official translation of Leo Tolstoy short stories in Tamil. K Kothandapani Pillai worked as a Deputy Collector and Controller of Emigration Madras between 1930 to 1951. Personalities like Thiru Ve Ka, Thaninayagam Adi galar, Subbiah Pillai, Somasundara Bharathiyar were good friends to him. He has penned more than 25 Tamil books during his life span from 1896 to 1979. This visit would enrich and flourish the legacy of Tamil and would be a blessing to Tamil Literature believes Venkatesh Kumar. The Event is happening on June 10th 2021.