Introducing the ‘Intelligent World 2030’ vision for Indian Industries, Huawei Enterprise BG Reiterates Commitment to Digital India

Introducing the ‘Intelligent World 2030’ vision for Indian Industries, Huawei Enterprise BG Reiterates Commitment to Digital India

Introducing the ‘Intelligent World 2030’ vision for Indian Industries, Huawei Enterprise BG Reiterates Commitment to Digital India

 Shares key trends of the future intelligent world at the Huawei Ecosystem Partner Summit 2020 Celebrates the success and highest-ever revenue growth for Indian partners in 2019

Huawei Enterprise BG introduced the ‘Intelligent World 2030’ vision for Indian industries at its flagship India Ec osystem Partner Summit 2020. Held in a live streaming virtual session, the summit saw Huawei update its net work of partners and customers on India Enterprise BG’s performance, business strategy and partner programs and incentives for India, one of its most important markets.

Speaking on the occasion, David Li, CEO, Huawei India said, “India is very strategic for our Enterprise business, and we have a long-term commitment to this country. Today, we are slowly starting to resume economic activity under the new-normal, and I firmly believe that it is more important than ever to collaborate and work together. World over it is being observed that enterprise-led digital innovations are driving economic activity and resurg ence. This is the time for the Indian ICT industry to step up and fully realize its potential in finding ICT-enabled solutions to support on-ground requirements. There is a lot that Huawei can contribute here for India’s nation building. We have been part of India’s story for 20-years and are committed to collaborate for new 5G+AI based technologies, develop new skillset and support new ICT infrastructure for the realization of India’s digital ambit ions.”

Derek Hao, President, Huawei India Enterprise Business said: “The next decade will witness rapid development of new ICT. Huawei believes that new types of connectivity, computing, platform, and ecosystem will build a sol id foundation for the intelligent world of 2030. Ultra-broadband and high-speed networking built using 5G, Wi-Fi 6, and quantum communications will bridge the physical and digital worlds, laying a foundation for the intell igent world.

He added, “The partner summit is a great opportunity for us to thank our valued India partners and customers. We are grateful for the many resilient and fruitful relationships that we have forged over the years in India. I am delighted to state that in 2019, our India Enterprise business not only saw a significant expansion in the number of local partners, but our Indian partners witnessed significant revenue growth with Huawei business. We look forward to continuing this growth story with our existing relationships as well as forging new ones in the future.”

The Intelligent World 2030 will be built on the foundation of new types of connectivity, computing, platform, an d ecosystem. It will enable the intelligent development of a wide variety of industries, including urban devel opm ent, manufacturing, energy, finance, transportation, and so on. In this future, information will flow with new ICT, such as 5G, AI, and IoT, and will help build the foundation from which everything originates.

Huawei believes that the future intelligent world 2030 will have five features – From the government aspect, peo ple-oriented digital governments will be built to better adapt to people’s livelihoods. From the economic aspect, a dynamic labor force will bring considerable advantages, for instance intelligent robots are set to play a critical role in our economic development. From the social resources’ aspect, digital technology will enable the efficient sharing and proper distribution of education, healthcare, and other public resources, achieving digital fairness. From the cultural aspect, people will be freed from heavy physical labor and tedious repetitive work, and their focus will naturally shift from mere material value to mental value. Finally, in terms of the environment, thanks to the deployment of various digital technologies, we will be able to monitor and control carbon emissions more effectively and, as a result, make the world a better place to live.

The intelligent world of 2030 cannot exist without the digital transformation of industries across the spectrum. Huawei has accumulated extensive experience in helping industries such as government, transportation, finan ce, and electric power to achieve digital transformation for the present and the future, through new connec tivi ty, computing, platform, and ecosystem. Currently, more than 700 cities worldwide and 228 of the Fortune Glo bal 500 companies, including 58 of the Fortune Global 100 companies have selected Huawei as their partner for digital transformation.

Huawei Enterprise Group’s “Platform + AI + Ecosystem” strategy focuses on cooperation with ecosystem part ners, governments and enterprises to build a solid foundation for the intelligent world with new types of conne ctivity, computing, platform, and ecosystem, and together delivering to the promise of the intelligent era.

About Huawei


Huawei is a leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart devices. With integrated solutions across four key domains – telecom networks, IT, smart devices, and cloud services – we are committed to bringing digital to every person, home and organization for a fully conne cted, intelligent world.Huawei’s end-to-end portfolio of products, solutions and services are both competitive and secure. Through open collaboration with ecosystem partners, we create lasting value for our customers, working to empower people, enrich home life, and inspire innovation in organizations of all shapes and sizes.

At Huawei, innovation focuses on customer needs. We invest heavily in basic research, concentrating on techn ological breakthroughs that drive the world forward. We have more than 194,000 employees, and we operate in more than 170 countries and regions. Founded in 1987, Huawei is a private company wholly owned by its empl oyees. For more information, please visit Huawei online at or follow us on: