Inthi Ramsagar wife of decorated Navy Officer Passes Away

Inthi Ramsagar wife of decorated Navy Officer Passes Away

17 May 2021 Chennai

 Inthi Ramsagar wife of decorated Navy Officer Passes Away

 Mrs Inthi Ramsagar, 78 years old, wife of decorated retired senior naval officer, Rear Admiral S Ramsagar, Veer Chakra, AVSM, NM, breathed her last on 16 May 2021, due to age related ailments.Rear Admiral Ramsagar, a W ar Veteran of 1965 and 1971 Wars, was the Naval Officer-in-Charge, Tamil Nadu & Puducherry from 1981 to 19 83. During his illustrious career, he served as Military Secretary to the President of India, Shri R Venkatraman. The couple  have a loving daughter who resides in USA.

The last rites of Mrs Inthi Ramsagar were performed today at Vill ivakkam crematorium and were attended by immediate family, friends, serving and retired Naval personnel. A wreath was laid on behalf of the Flag Officer Tamil Nadu & Puducherry Naval Area to pay last respects to the departed soul.Family, friends and the Naval co mmunity at Chennai are deeply saddened by the demise of Mrs Inthi Ramsagar and pray for fortitude and cou rage for her family to bear her loss.

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