Hello Naveen ji,

U r doing a great job

I have found a great change in myself after following the therapy. I was having capabilities but could not do anything I used to leave work in between after starting it…. With the useful therapy with minor changes in the strokes as guided by naveen ji, I was able to overcome my weaknesses and definitely was able to succeed….. I wish many students who are in the state I was and whatever makes them left behind should take this therapy. Thank u naveen ji… Wish u great success… This reply, feedback is because of persistence stroke I practiced!!

Dr Abha Gupta


Hi, One month back my Graphotherapy done By Mr.Naveen Toshniwal and i started practicing of strokes as suggested. It was nice experience & Glad to share i improved my confidence level and able to set my goals. I already started working towards it. I have started my Pvt Ltd. Company & i am very thankful to this club and Mr. Toshniwal for such wonderful technic of self development..

Satish Pangavhane


Got the Handwriting Analysis done for my daughter. Really impressive predictions by Mr Naveen Toshniwal. Never knew that our handwriting tells about ourselves and can change our life to achieve the desired goals. Planning to get my daughter enrolled in the course and get benefited.Urge others also not to miss this opportunity.

Thanks Amit S


I knew that handwriting reveals about the person. Came to know about many things about myself from the analysis done by Mr Naveen Toshniwal. His assessment was absolutely correct. Have been practicing what Mr Naveen suggested and find a lot of difference in myself. Will consult him quite often for improvement suggestions.

Thank you Mr Naveen Toshniwal.

Sanjeev Mehra


I had met Naveen bhaiya when I went to jaipur last month. He just mentioned about grapho-therapy and I was so impressed by what he said that I was determined to do the therapy. I was in a very depressed state of mind. My parents were not well. I was not well and was full of negativity.He told me to make few changes in my handwriting and the results were remarkable. Within few days I had become positive, optimistic and a happier person. I don’t know the reason but everyday i would want to write and do my therapy properly. One can himself feel the changes within a very short time.  I am thankful to Naveen bhaiya for teaching me such a wonderful technique for self improvement.



 Know the character traits of anyone by the proven science of handwriting analysis!

By analyzing the handwriting of a person, we can detect the positive & negative character traits as follows:

  • Intelligence
  • Keenness to learn
  • Friendliness, loyalty
  • Emotional chart
  • Frankness or secretiveness
  • Determination, enthusiasm
  • Self-confidence
  • Short-tempered or cool, egoistic
  • Sensitive
  • Organizing ability, engineering ability, creativity & imagination power
  • Initiative level
  • Ambitions, will-power
  • Dishonesty, greed
  • Concentration power, precision
  • Independence
  • Resentment
  • Many other individual traits

Combination of such traits will help to visualize the character of a person, which would otherwise be very difficult to judge in short meetings or interviews.

Very useful for:

  • Corporates/Placement Consultants
  • Parents/teachers/students
  • Matrimonial/Match-making
  • Investigation agencies
  • Simply self-improvement

Changes in the character can be achieved in due course by changing few strokes in the handwriting, popularly known as GRAPHO-THERAPY. This is the most amazing aspect of this science!

What is required is a scanned copy of a full page of handwriting followed by signature. We will provide the detailed analysis of the character traits, alongwith suggestions for therapy.


Naveen Toshniwal, B.E. (Chem) Hons


k-97, kishan nagar, opp grassfield club

shyam NAGAR, Jaipur-302 019 (INDIA)

Phone: 91-4028708 E-Mail:


(Mobile): +91 9414079365

What’s App: +91 9929133365


Did you know that our minds have a direct connection with the way we write?

Grapho Analysis is the science of studying a person’s handwriting traits and analyzing his/her character in detail through the stokes in the written text. The science of Grapho Analysis goes back to around 2000 BC in the times of Aristotle, when he discovered the relation between the human mind and their handwriting.The popularity of Grapho Analysis picked up only a few decades ago, when this science started getting widely accepted as an aid in recruitments, guidance to students/teachers/parents, career counseling and last but not the least, self improvement.

Almost every trait and unique aspects of one’s personality can be deciphered through this analysis:

  • Intelligence
  • Keenness to learn
  • Friendliness, loyalty
  • Emotional chart
  • Frankness or secretiveness
  • Determination, enthusiasm
  • Self-confidence
  • Short-tempered or cool, egoistic
  • Sensitive
  • Organizing ability, engineering ability, creativity & imagination power
  • Initiative level
  • Ambition, will-power
  • Dishonesty, greed
  • Concentration power, precision
  • Independence
  • Resentment… & many more…..

Analysis of human character is just the first part, most important and interesting is GRAPHO THERAPY…… It is a scientific method used to enhance the Positive traits effectively and overcome the Negative traits, none other than by making simple changes in the strokes of one’s handwriting.The results are simply amazing…you start experiencing the desired changes and improvements in about 2-3 weeks time by diligently practicing the necessary strokes for just 5-10 minutes a day!!!

Giving 2 examples of strokes which depict some important traits:

  • Deep t-bars from left to right depicting strong will –power
  • Looped t and l shows sensitivity

More examples in next article. Remember, traits considered individually do not have much relevance. Entire traits as a combination depict the true personality of a person.

For details, please contact

Dear Naveen,

I am already starting to feel that my sarcasm as well as my temper is fading, which was a regular case for me earlier. I am yet to be perfect with the “y” as making the loop just seems to be deep rooted into my psyche. But neverthele ss I am definitely working on it and I am sure it will bring a sea of change in my personality. The analysis is almost perfectly accurate and definitely shows the my real traits which I exhibit in my day to day dealings. After my discussion with you, I have realized a bit more about myself and I am absolutely sure this nouvelle method of yours is going to enlighten a lot more people in the times to come.

Best Regards,

Swarnadeep Bandyopadhyay


From: Ram Sharma

Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 9:53 AM


Subject: Handwriting analysis report

Dear Navin,

I had received my hand writing analysis report and I found the same most useful. I am also very thankful for your important suggestions received over phone. Your findings are close to perfect.
I had started to follow suggestions as given by you. I wishes all the best for your future. Once again thank you very much for the same.


Ram P Sharma

Manager- Accounts & Finance

Billabong High International School, Mumbai & Indore




Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2013 7:23 AM


Subject: Re: [FLO Bazaar with Aspiration- The Monsoon Fest] Get your character analysis done by Naveen Toshniwal…

Dear Naveen,

In my school days, one class was on analysis of character. It was our favourite subject and was taught by a Belgian Father. From that time I was interested in character analysis . The only potent weapon we have is our character and analysis helps to amplify the best and negate the worst. Later on studied astrology. But the conflict of the eastern concept of moon sign being the determinant and sun sign for the West created lots of confusion. Add to that cusps and ascendant.Numerology also was confusing. Name and date of birth gave you two different characters.

Handwriting analysis was always intriguing. Read in the detective novels how the person was created based on the writing.Your analysis based on my writing was a face off. Like meeting yourself. In a mirror where you can see yourself with full clarity. All nooks and cranies exposed along with the goodies. It was remarkable the way I was exposed based on how I write. Even though we never met, itslike you have known me all along . Some things came out I knew about myself and some I never imagined.

Thanks a lot. I am trying out your suggestions and that will work out too, I know.

Carry on the good work.

Anupam De.



From: Abha gupta

Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 9:14 AM

To: Naveen Toshniwal


Hello Mr Toshniwal,

It is great to see ur interest in improvisation through few modifications in handwriting.It was a great help to me. By seeing my handwriting u could analyise that i was not determinant and due to which not able to accompalish work left with me.A few changes with “t” as suggested by u really helped me . I was not doing my work properly , was not bothere agar nahi ho raha then it was ok with me but now sooner or later i try doing that work….. i see that the work is done…. it has also helped in my studies and decision power.Thank u so much Mr Toshniwal to bring me back as what i was in my childhood . Still I need to improve a lot with ur guidance . Thank u to always been kind to enough to resolve my queries..

Wish u all the good luck and always welcome u for any kind of help or support

Abha Gupta