India’s Premier Travel and Tourism Ex hibition Date: 02 – 04 August 2024

India’s Premier Travel and Tourism Exhi bition Date: 02 – 04 August 2024

Chennai hosts , ‘India International Trav el Mart’

India’s Premier Travel and Tourism Exhi bition Date: 02 – 04 August 2024 Venue : Chennai Trade Centre, Nandambakam, Chennai. Timing: 1100 Hrs – 1800 Hrs. 

Chennai, 02nd August 2024: India’s lea ding travel media company, Sphere Tra avelmedia & Exhibitions has organised the ‘India International Travel Mart’ (IIT M) in Chennai from 02– 04 August 2024 at the Chennai Trade Centre (Exhibition Hall – 4), Nandambakkam

IITM is India’s premier trade exhibiti on that brings travel, tourism, hospitality, l eisure and other related industrie s und er one roof. It aims to bring the i ndustry, face-to-face with the travel trade, corpo rate buyers and the end-cus tomers. The event will see the particip ation of travel agents and tour operato rs, DMC, hotels and resorts, national to urism offices, te chnology platforms, o nline travel portal s, etc.

As IITM celebrates its 25th Anniversary this year, the occasion forms an im porta nt business platform. Travel ag encies, h oteliers, tour companies, and other indu stry stakeholders can intera ct and net work resulting in collaborations, partne rships, and joint ventures. 

IITM features 220+ exhibitors represe nting over 8 international destinations and 20 Indian states, showcasing diver se travel options like pilgrimages, adv entures, culture, wildlife, and more. Fr om Indian rhinoceros to Rajasthan’s fe stivals to Karnataka’s heritage sites, the event enriches holiday choices. Em pha sizing on the upcoming holiday sea son, the ‘India International Travel Mart’ off ers networking opportunities for the tr avel industry to expand portfolio lios an d conduct business. The event w ill be th e perfect platform for Travel A gents loo king for partners from across different g enres from religious travel, adventure, f amily holidays and honey moons or to e ven those, who are look ing for conferen ce destinations for th eir companies etc. 

As the world embraces sustainable pra ctices, IITM takes strides to promote re sponsible tourism and wellness. The e xhibition demonstrates eco-friendly in itiatives, community-based tourism pr ojects, and conservation efforts to pro tect India’s natural and cultural herita itage. It encourages travellers to tread lightly and leave a positive footprint o n the destinations they visit.

The tourism stakeholders from over 20 Indian states such as Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Raj asthan, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Del hi, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Jharkhand, Chhatti sgarh, and many more along with intern ational participants representin g over 8 countries like Sri Lanka, Mala ysia, Vietn am, Israel, Thailand, UK, Ne pal, Dubai, T urkey, Singapore, Bhutan, Indonesia, Ma ldives, etc. will be seen aggressively mar keting their destinations, products and services.

India’s economy is still among the world, ’s fastest-growing major economies. In c ontrast to a 9.1% increase in the previou s fiscal year, India’s GDP rose by 7.2% in the 2022–2023 fiscal year. Indi a’s econ omic development continues t o be robu st despite the war-related di sruptions in the agricultural and ener gy sectors, as well as an unprecedent ed tightening of global monetary cond itions aimed at curbing decades-high i nflation. Strong domestic demand and a push for govern mental capital expen ditures have been the main drivers of this. For both FY24 and FY25, the Inter national Monetary Fund (IMF) has proj ected growth of 6.3 %.

Indian tourists view travel as an essenti al component of their lifestyle rather th an just a recreational activity, particula rly for the younger generations. The gro owth of the middle class, higher disposp osable incomes, and a paradigm shi ft in cultural views have all contribute d to th e recent spike in tourism. In add ition, th he pandemic’s aftermath has sp urred a desire for travel as people loo k for nov el experiences and a break fr om their d aily routines, strengthening the travel industry’s adaptability and resilience.

Much of the Indian travel business is der ived from domestic travel, which also he lped the sector recover from its pre-pa ndemic lows. Indians progressively disc overed the cultural and geogra phical di versity within the nation’s bor ders, fro m the tranquil Himalayan lan dscape to the vibrant coastal areas, gr eatly fuelli ng the domestic travel sector.

Sphere TravelMedia Director, Rohit Ha ngal, said, “Welcome to the heart of in n ovation and collaboration in the travel i ndustry. This exhibition is a gateway to shaping the future of travel through ne w opportunities and partne rship s. Let’s explore new horizons, forge lasting conn ections, and inspire the worlld of travel l. The B2B Tourism Exhibition celebrate s ates collaboration, resilience, and exce llence in the industry, bringin g together top minds to pioneer sustai nable practi ces, innovative technologi ies, and new partnerships. Together, we are creating a future where travel is connected, sust ainable, and extraor dinary, setting the s tage for unpreced ented growth and ad vancement in the industry.”

Sphere TravelMedia Director, Sanjay Ha khu, added: “India has emerged as a key player in the travel industry, offering op portunities for leisure and business trav l. The IITM Event, with over ten thousan d B2B visitors over three days, showcas es our commitment to adva ncing travel. It serves as a hub for idea exchange, part nership building, and in novation. The gr owing outbound trave el market in India presents vast possib ilities, with more In dians seeking uniq ue global experience s. The B2B Travel Exhibition aims to con nect global desti nations with diverse In dian travelers, paving the way for future internationa l travel growth from India.”


The time has come to explore new desti nations and enjoy the sensations of the world as the Indian passport conti nues to gain popularity! The IITM is a fantast ic way to connect, network, and conduct business since it draws partn ers from al l over the world.

Biggest variety of holiday packages of o ver 1000 destinations in India and abro ad.

This year, find more than 220 exhibit ors showcasing over 8 International destina tations and 20 Indian tourism des stinati ons making it one of the highlig hts of yo ur search for that perfect travel partner ship.

‘Sri Lanka Tourism is the partner coun try at IITM Chennai.

Tamil Nadu is the host state for the even t

Uttar Pradesh Tourism, Gujarat Touri sm , Rajasthan Tourism, Karnataka To urism and Bihar Tourism are the partner state s

Chhattisgarh Tourism, Jharkhand Touris m and Himachal Pradesh Tourism are fu ture states

View ‘Incredible India’ with all its ama zi ng hues and peerless vibrancy.

A once-a-year opportunity for travel ag ents and tour operators to reach out to partners from more than 15 Internanati onal destinations and over 25 Indi an sta tes.

Add more to your travel portfolio

Adventure – International Destinations – Visas – Pilgrimage – Cultural pursuits – Wildlife – Conference – Wedding Dest inations – pure joy!

The event is on a B2B format and only o pen for trade – visitors only.

Entry is free and Registration at the site is mandatory.