Indian Oil Corporation Partners with Novac Technology Solutions

Indian Oil Corporation Partners with No vac Technology Solutions to Drive Its Str ategic Learning Initiatives

~ Novac Technology Solutions will devel op 500 hours of eLearning content over the next four years enhancing the IOCL L’s technical competencies and empowe ering employees~

National, 27th February, 2025: In a grou ndbreaking initiative to upskill its workf orce and enhance operational excellenc e, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL ), India’s largest commercial enterprise a nd a Fortune ‘Global 500’ company, has t ied up with Novac Technology Solution s for the second time. The current project builds upon their engagement since 202 2, that focused on upskilling IOCL’s staff and channel partners while benefiting o ver 4 lakh beneficiaries. This transforma mative collaboration will see Novac’s di gital learning vertical develop 500 hours of advanced eLearning content for the n ext four years, aimed at enhancing tech nical competencies and empowering IO CL’s workforce to excel in an evolving en ergy sector.

As part of this collaboration, Novac will take on the end-to-end development of customized innovative eLearning modu ules covering 70 functions across IOCL’s six core divisions. The modules will leve rage advanced formats such as AV-style modules, immersive game-based learni ng, interactive videos, complex 3D chara cter animations, infographic-driven visu als, and audio podcasts. These modules will be integrated seamlessly into IOCL’s Learning Management System (LMS), en suring accessibility for employees acros s its vast network, including remote and field teams.

Speaking at the occasion, Mr C. Mahesh, Director, Novac Technology Solutions, s aid “We are truly honoured to collabora te once again with Indian Oil Corporatio n Limited, a name synonymous with exc ellence and innovation in the energy sec tor, on this groundbreaking initiative. Th is renewed partnership underscores our commitment to delivering scalable and i mpactful eLearning solutions that not o nly elevate employee skills but also alig gn seamlessly with IOCL’s vision of oper ational and technical excellence. Having previously worked together, we take im mense pride in continuing to support IO CL’s ambitious learning journey and play ing a pivotal role in shaping the future of their workforce.”

This strategic partnership between IOC L and Novac Technology Solutions signif ies a monumental leap forward in workf orce development and learning innovati on within the energy sector. As the colla boration progresses, both organizations remain steadfast in their shared vision o f delivering impactful, scalable, and futu re-ready learning solutions that empow e wer employees and drive organization l excellence. This alliance is a testament to the transformative potential of digita al learning in shaping the future of indus tries and workforces alike.

About Novac Technology Solutions: Novac Technology Solutions is a leading digital transformation and learning solu tions provider, specializing in cutting ed ge technology services across diverse in dustries. With comprehensive services i n FinTech, InsurTech, Digital Learning an d ImmersiveTech, Novac helps business seamlessly transition to the digital worl d. The company’s digital learning divisio n delivers immersive and customized Le arning content, leveraging advanced fo r7mats such as game-based learning, 3D animations, interactive videos, and AI dr iven simulations to enhance workforce t raining and skill development. With a tr usted clientele of over 180 organization s spanning Banking, Financial Services, I nsurance, IT, Manufacturing, Automobil e, Pharma, Healthcare, Oil & Energy, and Education, Novac isk committed to drivi ng ccg innovation and excellence. As a st rategic partner to global enterprises, No vac enables digital transformation and h elps businesses become future-ready

.About Indian Oil Corporation Limited: Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) is India’s largest commercial enterpris ise an d a Fortune ‘Global 500’ comp any, playin ing a pivotal role in the cou ntry’s energy sector. As an integr ated energy major, I OCL operates across the entire hydroca rbon value chain, including refining, pipe line transportation, petroleum products marketing, natural gas, petrochemicals, a nd alternative energy solutions. With a vast network of refineries, pipelines, and over 60,000 customer touchpoints, I OCL is committed to fueling the nation n’s growth through innovation, sustain ability, and operational excellence. The company continues to invest in cutting-edge technology and workforce devep lopment to drive efficiency and build a future-ready energy ecosystem.