Indian Army of Dakshin Bharat Area Headquarters in anticipation of Cyclone ‘Nivar’ had pre-positioned

 Indian Army of Dakshin Bharat Area Headquarters in anticipation of Cyclone ‘Nivar’ had pre-positioned

Indian Army Teams help to restore the Normalcy post Nivar

 Indian Army of Dakshin Bharat Area Headquarters in anticipation of Cyclone ‘Nivar’ had pre-positioned a total of 22 Rescue Teams in Puducherry, Chennai and Tiruchirappalli and also established Control Room with opera tional staff to provide ready relief. Its officials carried out liaison with Additional Chief Secretary. The team was in regular  communication with Disaster Control Operations Center of Tamil Nadu and Puducherry.

The Army teams braved through the heavy rains and pre-landfall cyclonic winds to preposition themselves to provide succour to the populace. As anticipated, Cyclone NIVAR, made its landfall in vicinity of Puducherry in the early hours of 26 November 2020 an d  caused considerable  damage and disruption. The restoration of the normalcy was readily facilitated by the deployed Army Teams which helped to clear uprooted trees and cleared road blockages in the important arterial roads. The team helped the admi nistr ation in their efforts to resume normal activities with minimum loss of time. The spirit and dedication of the Army Teams was highly appr ecia ted by Hon’ble Revenue Minister of Puducherry Mr Mohd Shahjahan, who personally met the army teams and thanked the troops for all the support provided to Puducherry.

