“I am absolutely captivated by Rohit Shetty’s masterful execution of cop films”,

“I am absolutely captivated by Rohit Shetty’s masterful execution of cop films”, says an inspired Lakshmi Manchu.

Acclaimed actress, producer, and philanthropist, Lakshmi Manchu, has mesmerized audiences with the release of the highly-anticipa ted promotional song titled Telusa Telusa for her upcoming film AgniNakshatram.

This electrifying song not only highlights Lakshmi’s versatile talents but also draws inspiration from the captivating cop films of reno wned Bollywood filmmaker Rohit Shetty. Lakshmi Manchu, a fan of Rohit Shetty’s larger-than-life cinematic approach, aimed to infus e similar grandeur into her own project while keeping the storyline rooted in reality.

Sharing her excitement, Lakshmi shared, “I am absolutely captivated by Rohit Shetty’s masterful execution of cop films. The seamless blend of grandeur and meaningful social messaging truly resonates with me. In AgniNakshatram, where I play the role of a police offic er, I aimed to infuse a similar essence while staying true to the essence of the story. The song ‘Telusa Telusa’ pays homage to Rohit She tty’s filmmaking style, boasting opulence and featuring cars worth a staggering 80 crores. It exudes a sense of empowerment, showca sing women’s dominance with their muscular and high-energy presence. These visually striking elements, including the extravagant c ars, contribute to the overall grandeur of the song.”

With an eye for detail and a desire to deliver an authentic portrayal, Lakshmi drew inspiration from the incredible police officers and She Team officers in Hyderabad, such as Swati Lakra, Anjali Kumar and officers like Stephen Raveendra and CV Anang Garg. She expr essed her admiration, stating, “Hyderabad has some incredible police officers, and I am enamoured by their dedication. As an actor, I wanted to be as real as possible for the role I am playing and bring my personal touch to the character.”

Talking about prepping for the dual roles and responsibility as an actor and producer, Lakshmi diligently followed a disciplined routin e. Determined to maintain a balanced approach, she diligently woke up at 5 AM to engage in Ashtanga Yoga practice, ensuring her mi nd and body were prepared for the day ahead as a producer. Lakshmi expressed gratitude towards her dedicated yoga teacher who su pported her throughout this journey. She mentioned, “Yoga helped me be a calm producer and not a lazy one.” In addition to yoga, she also incorporated weight training and kickboxing into her post-shoot routine to achieve the desired physicality to play the role of a c op.

Lakshmi’s friend, Deepti Reddy, a highly talented writer, crafted the rap lyrics for the song. In just half an hour, she created impactful verses that resonated perfectly with the song’s theme. Lakshmi Manchu enthusiastically rapped the lyrics, guided by Deepti’s expert ise. The song features foot tapping choreography by the acclaimed Brinda Master, who skilfully brings together the talents of Lakshm i, her daughter Nirvana, and a group of highly skilled dancers. The soulful vocals are rendered by noted singers Sunitha Sarathy, Sirees ha, and Aditi Bhavaraju, while the music is composed by Achu Rajamani. The renowned Kasarla Shyam penned the lyrics. Agninaksha tram is directed by Vamsee Krishna Malla