Hindi Fortnight celebrations in Cochin Shipyard Limited was inaugurated by Shri Madhu S Nair,

Hindi Fortnight celebrations in Cochin Shipyard Limited was inaugurated by Shri Madhu S Nair,


Hindi Fortnight celebrations in Cochin Shipyard Limited was inaugurated by Shri Madhu S Nair, Chairman and Managing Director. On the occasion “Sagar Ratna” the House Magazine, published by the Hindi Cell in the com pany was released.  The hindi fortnight celebrations for various categories are scheduled to be held during the next fortnight commencing today.  Competitions for internal candidate in various items in Hindi and also co mpetitions for State board and CBSE board students are proposed to be held on online mode, considering the COVID situation

The message from the Hon’ble Minister Shri Mansukh L Mandaviya was read out on the occasion.  The review meeting on the performance of the hindi activities in the company was also held.  Directors and senior official of the company participated in the meeting. 


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