Health Minister Ma. Subramanian Inaugurates SPROUT

Health Minister Ma. Subramanian Inaug urates SPROUT, Saveetha Medical Colle ge Hospital’s New Fertility Centre

Thiru K. Selvaperunthagai, President of Tamilnadu Congress Committee mem ber of Legislative Assembly, Sriperumbu dur constituency was the Guest of Hono ur. 

Chennai, July 17, 2024

Thiru Ma. Subramanian, Honourable Mi nister for Health and Family Welfare, G overnment of Tamil Nadu, inaugurated Saveetha Pregnancy Rejuvenation and Ovulatory Uterine Therapeutics (SPRO UT), a new centre for Assisted Reprodu ctive Techniques (ART) at Saveetha Med ical College Hospital (SMCH).

Thiru. K. Selvaperunthagai, President of Tamil Nadu Congress Committee, and M ember of Legislative Assembly, Sriperu mbudur Constituency, participated as th e Guest of Honour. Dr. N.M. Veeraiyan, F ounder and Chancellor, Saveetha Institu te of Medical and Technical Sciences (SI MATS) presided over the function, atten ded by Dr. Deepak Nallaswamy, Pro Cha ncellor, and Dr. J. Kumutha, Dean, SMC H.

Commenting about SPROUT, Dr. Veerai yan, said, “Fertility is important to the human being for several reasons like co ntinuation of the family, demographic b alance, emotional fulfilment, psycholog ical well-being, biological and medical si gnificance and so on. But not all coup les are able to achieve parenthood natur al ly due to various reasons. Nearly 10-15 % of the eligible couples experience infe rtility at the end of one year of cohabita tion, out of which 10% would require th e need of ART, a cornerstone of modern medicine. We are launching SPROUT to cater to the emerging need of infertility treatments that make parenthood drea ms come true.”

On the services to be offered by SPROU T, he said that the new centre has facili tibes for Intrauterine insemination, Cry oprbeservation, ICSI, In vitro-fertilisat ion (IVF), Embryo biopsy, laser-assisted hatching and preimplantation genetic di agnosis. “We will ensure a holistic appro ach to reproductive health. We will pro vide not only evaluation, investigations and interventions, but also pre-treatme nt counselling, as couples may need ps ychological counselling for them to nav igate through difficult times. Our ART services will be practised with utmost ethical considerations maintaining the transparency regarding techniques and confidentiality about information of the couple,” he observed.

SPROUT scores over stand-alone ART centres as it is located within a medical college hospital that has a functional Ob stetrics and Gynaecology department. The support of this and other disciplines under one roof will ensure that the patie nts would get comprehensive health car e with quality services. SMCH’s Obstetri cs and Gynaecology department is well established with advanced facilities to care for all the needy women. It feature s a well equipped labour room with a hi gh dependency unit, ICU back up, blood transfusion facilities available 24×7. Its newborn intensive care unit is equipped with a milk bank, high frequency ventil ators and extreme preterm care resour r ces. The hospital is accredited by the Ta mil Nadu Government for Dr. Muthu lak shmi Reddy Scheme for free maternal a nd newborn care at our hospital.

Infertility can stem from numerous fact ors, including hormonal imbalances, gen etic disorders, anatomical abnormalities and age related issues. ART techniques s uch as in vitro fertilisation (IVF), intraut erine insemination (IUl), and gamete or embryo donation provide targeted inter vventions that increase the chances of c onception where traditional methods h ave failed. IVF, commonly known as “tes t tube baby” involves fertilising an egg with a sperm outside the body and then transferring the embryo into the uterus for implantation. This technique has rev olutionised the treatment of various fer tility issues, from male infertility due to poor sperm quality to female infertility resulting from blocked fallopian tubes. By offering appropriate solutions, ART helps individuals and couples overcome barriers to conception and manage the emotional and physical aspects of infert ility.