Chennai, 7th October , 2020:

India is one of the leading countries for heart disease ailments, with 1 in 4 deaths being due to Cardio vascular diseases. To mark the occasion of World Health Day, Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai, the largest facility of Gleneagles Global Hospitals Group, organized an internal event for Primary Angioplasty beneficiaries, who had successfully battled against cardiac diseases to participate in the sessions.  During the event, patients shared their experience with cardiac ailments and expert team of cardiologists presented insightful findings and covered all the important aspects of cardiac diseases including prevention, treatments available & advancements in cardiac care, importance of primary angioplasty and post operative care. The team of cardiac specialists addressed about major cardiac ailments that affect different age groups of people and also briefed about advanced surgical procedures and cutting edge technologies that are currently available in order to provide best clinical outcomes to patients for these ailments.

This year, the theme for World Heart Day is use heart for your heart, which is to be cautious about one’s own heart health and to care for the others around you. The COVID-19 pandemic has put more number of people at risk of cardiac diseases, and this is the time to focus on prevention aspects.  Speaking on the need to create awareness, Dr Alok Khullar, Chief Executive Officer – Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai said, “As a leading and responsible health care provider, we feel it is important to create awareness among people on the prevention of Cardiac diseases which is leading cause of death for men and women globally. Today, we see a lot of young people affected by cardiac diseases and hence it is imperative for people below 40 years of age also to undergo a heart check-up atleast once in two years.  This will help them in early diagnosis and to begin proactive treatments if they have cardiac diseases. A few lifestyle modifications, early diagnosis and treatment can be instrumental as a saviour for a majority of patients on a long term basis.”

As part of the session, the participants were offered free heart checkups which included ECG, ECHO, Blood sugar, Lipid Profile, Biometric and Cardiac consultation. With an intent to create awareness and encourage general public to check their heart health, the hospital is providing with a special heart check up package of Rs 750/- for the entire month of October’20.