Former MoP Joint Secretary Vishal Kapoor Joins EESL as CEO

Former MoP Joint Secretary Vishal Kapoor Joins EESL as CEO
Former MoP Joint Secretary Vishal Kapoor Joins EESL as CEO Mr. Vishal Kapoor joins as CEO EESL

Chennai, 02 November 2022: Energy Efficiency Services Limited, a joint venture of Public Sector Undertakings under Ministry of Power has announced the appointment of Mr. Vishal Kapoor as its Chief Executive Officer (C EO). Mr Kapoor graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Railways Institute of Mecha nical & Electrical Engineering (IRIMEE). Holding a Masters degree from National University of Singapore, he has also pursued the Advanced Management Program in Public Policy from Indian School of Business. Mr. Kapoor ta kes charge as CEO, EESL after having completed his tenure as Joint Secretary at the Ministry of Power, Governm ent of India. 

As Joint Secretary, his role entailed leading various government interv entions, schemes, and reforms in the Distr ibution Sector. Furthermo re, he was spearheading cyber security and IT initiatives in the power sector. Mr Kapo or has played an instrumental role in formulating the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme for Operational and Financial turnaround of Distribution Utilities. In his previous roles with the India n Railways, he has worked in va rious capacities in design, operations and maintenance of Rolling Stock of Indian Railways. Amongst his oth er ac complishments are the introduction of high-capacity car carrying freight cars in India and export of more than a dozen locomotives to Tanzania and Myanmar. 


Sharing his thoughts, Mr. Vishal Kapoor said, “EESL Group has been at the forefront of India’s journey towards su stainability and self-relian ce. The time is now ripe to recognize the potential of energy efficiency, demand side m anagement, electric mobility, and renewables in India’s energy matrix. The Government of India has acknowledg ed EESL’s pot ential as the key pillar in leading India towards energy security. I am pleased to take charge as the C EO of wor ld ’s largest public Energy Service Company (ESCO). As I begin with this new stint, I look forward to sup porting the Ministry of Power in its endeavor to position India as a global leader in clean energy and bolster its commitm ent to mitigating climate change and achieving its Net Zero Target.”

About Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL)

A joint venture of NTPC Limited, Power Finance Corporation, Rural Electrification Corporation and POWERG RID, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) was set up under Ministry of Power to facilitate implementation of energy efficiency projects. EESL is a Super Energy Service Company (ESCO) that seeks to unlock energy efficie ncy market in India, estimated at Rs. 74,000 crore that can potentially result in energy savings of up to 20 per ce nt of current consumption, by way of innovative business and implementation models. It also acts as the resour ce centre for capacity building of State DISCOMs, ERCs, SDAs, upcoming ESCOs, financial institutions, etc.