Doctors are the “Real Hero’s” & they proved the same during the pandemic , After God If some one stood by Mankind

Doctors are the “Real Hero’s” & they proved the same during the pandemic , After God If some one stood by Mankind

Doctors are the “Real Hero’s” & they proved the same during the pandemic , After God If some one stood by Man kind and saved us Risking there own lives it was Doctors , … Thousands of Doctors / Nurses / in the Hospitals Sa crificed there own life during the Pandemic around the Globe , while other wise they totally had a option to just stay home & stay safe with there families .

I being the wife of a Vascular Surgeon , Many times told my Husband please take a off atleast for a month while Corona is peaking and we had arguments at lengt h , he clearly told me that his life was meant to serve the peop le who are disea sed and suffering .. and that was his most important priority and his priority sto od above his fam ily too , and this has never gone down very well with me as in my case like every other women my family is first m y priority & then any one else .

How ever life , Marriage & Companionship survives with understanding , and ac commodating each other’s tho ught process and respecting the decisions ma de . Not just that you were the one Dr.Azeez.Pasha to inspire me , Empower me & Mo tivate me to serve as a Frontline worker leaving my fear of the pandemic be hind and serve the Needy extensively every day During the Lock Down .

On this Day I would like to wish All the “ REALHEROS” A very Happy doctors Day , “ Thank you “ for saving Mill ions of people around the Globe and Serving the Mankind “SELFLESSLY” like None other .

Thanking you for every thing , I’m Proud to be your wife Doctor Saab .

– Sanjjanaa Galrani .