Telephone : 25678276                                                                                                                                             Public Relations Unit

Email:                                                                                                                     Ministry of Defence

                                                                                                                                     Fort Saint George

                                                                                                                                                                                    Chennai – 600 009

DCC/411/2/A                                                                                                                                                                      07  April 2022


  1. The Directorate of Public Relations (DPR), Ministry of Defence will be conducting a month long Defence Correspondents Course from 22 August – 16 September 2022. The course consists of four different modules namely Army, Navy, Air Force and MOD. 
  1. Defence reporting, being sensitive and highly technical, this course is being conducted for correspondents to enable them to appreciate the nuances of dissemination of information to the people, keeping in view, national integrity, social harmony and good neighborly relations.  
  1. Interested Candidates, may send the  curriculum vitae as per the enclosed proforma may please be forwarded by e-mail to ( to the undersigned by May 09, 2022No recommendations will be entertained after the deadline. While forwarding the nominations following may be adhered to :-

(a)       Suitability of the recommended candidate for the course be ascertained as far as possible based on the Qualification Required (QR).

(b)       The documents submitted by the applicant be verified against the Originals.

(c)        The nominating news agencies/channels/offices will be responsible for the authenticity of the credentials of the nominated candidate.                                                                                   

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