Dakshin Bharat Area of Indian Army undertakes Operation Sahayata

Dakshin Bharat Area of Indian Army undertakes Operation Sahayata


11 June 2021.

Headquarters-Dakshin Bharat Area (DB Area) of Indian Army undertook ‘Operation Sahayata’ to feed the under privileged section of society during the lockdown imposed due to the second wave of COVID-19 at Chennai. The lockdown affected a large number of daily wage earners, migrant labourers and poor.

DB Area teamed up with the NGOs run by ex-servicemen to distribute food packets from 25 May 2021 primarily to the migrants at Che nnai Railway Station travelling back to Patna, Howrah and Odisha, and to the needy and sanitary workers near Government hospital areas, where the food canteens were either closed or out of food. Over 4,000 cooked food packets have been distributed to the needy in Chennai amidst the ongoing second wave of COVID 19. DB Area has its headquarters in Chennai which is under Southern Command of Indian Army.

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