CREDAI National Partners with Indian Green Building Council: Pledges to Construct 4000 Green Projects by 2030

CREDAI National Partners with Indian Green Building Council: Pledges to Construct 4000 Green Projects by 2030

– Collaboration announced at CREDAI Investiture Ceremony: Mr Boman Irani takes his position as CREDAI (National) President for 2023-2025

– Mr Domnic Romell begins new era as CREDAI MCHI President; MMR Realty body announces ‘Smarter Dharma’ as it’s Sustainability Partner

Chennai, 15th April : India’s leading Real Estate Body, Confederation of Real Estate Developers Association of In dia (CREDAI) today announced a nation-wide partnership with Indian Green Building Council (IGBC), on the land mark occasion of CREDAI’s investiture ceremony which witnessed Mr. Boman Irani becoming the new president of CREDAI National for the term 2023-25. CREDAI MCHI, too, announced a change in leadership with Mr Domi nic Romell becoming the President for the realty body in Mumbai Metropolitan Region.

Under the association with IGBC, CREDAI pledges to build over 1000 Certified Green Projects in the next 2 year s across India, and 4000 projects by 2030, through adoption of IGBC Green & Net Zero building ratings. This will mean an addition of over 4,00,000 housing units in the green development category across the country. These p rojects will be certified by IGBC and will usher in a new era of green development, inspiring thousands of reales tate developers as CREDAI spearheads a nation-wide Green Building movement.

CREDAI’s partnership with IGBC, known for setting industry standards for sustainable development across Ind ia, will allow the necessary know-how and strengthen capabilities of CREDAI developers to ‘Build Better’. As an extension to meeting CREDAI’s goal of reducing carbon footprint by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 20 50, this will provide an impetus towards charting a roadmap for the same and aligns CREDAI to our country’s vi sion of reaching Net Zero by 2070.

On the occasion Mr Boman Irani also launched the National Vision of G.R.O.W.T.H: Integrating CREDAI National and all its chapters in a unified mission to facilitate:

G: Green Construction

R: Reform

O: Opportunity to Build a New India

W: Women Empowerment

T: Transparency

H: Housing for All

CREDAI MCHI has also partnered with leading real estate sustainability consultant ‘Smarter Dharma’ as it’s Sustainability Partner for Mumbai Metropolitan Region.

Earmarking Sustainable Development, CREDAI National President Mr Boman Irani, shares his thoughts “It is an absolute honour to be chosen to serve as president of CREDAI. This gives us an opportunity to build on the extra ordinary work done and milestones achieved by my accomplished predecessors. Indian Real Estate stands at a cu sp of a revolution, and we at CREDAI are extremely focussed to facilitate growth for all stakeholders involve d. We intend to continue to work closely with the Government to ensure a more conducive eco-system that ena bles sustainable growth, providing complete transparency and enhancing governance standards for our homeb uyers and ancillary industries. We understand the responsibility we bear as a distinguished industry body, and we hope to guide our members into a new era of inclusive and sustainable growth. To achieve the same, we have collaborated with IGBC for achieving our motto ‘Better Buildings, Building Better’, that will go a long way in ena bling developers to build sustainably. We intend to build on strong platforms to supplement inclusive, holistic g rowth within the Indian Real Estate fraternity.”

CREDAI MCHI President Mr Domnic Romell, comments “The Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR) remains one of the most valuable property markets in the country, contributing majorly to the state and national economy. C REDAI-MCHI will continue to work towards good governance, rejuvenating housing policies, optimizing zero ca rbon practices in MMR. CREDAI MCHI has scaled newer heights under able leadership in the past, and it gives me immense joy to take this legacy forward amidst an exciting time for the industry, as infrastructural and real estate growth comes to the fore. We are entering into a new era with focused work towards increasing promi nence of sustainability in the MMR real estate.”

CREDAI National Past President, Mr Harsh Vardhan Patodia, opines “Over the past 24 years, CREDAI has succ e ssfully established its position as a leading industry body, and we are extremely optimistic and convinced in Bom an’s vision to take not just CREDAI but also the Indian Real Estate industry to greater heights, characterized by sustainability and transparency.”


The Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associations of India (CREDAI) is the apex body of private Real Es tate developers in India, established in 1999, with a vision of transforming the landscape of the Indian Real Esta te industry and a mandate to pursue the cause of Housing and Habitat. Today, CREDAI represents 13000+ Devel opers across 221 city chapters in 21 states and plays an important role in policy formulation by representing the views of its members to various Ministries at regular intervals.