Colliers appoints Kanchana Krishnan as Managing Director in Chennai

Colliers appoints Kanchana Krishnan as Managing Director in Chennai

Colliers expands business operations in the region to grow existing and introduce new service lines.

Leading diversified professional services and investment management company Colliers (NASDAQ and TSX: CIGI) today announced the appointment of Kanchana Krishnan as Managing Director in Chennai.

Kanchana is a highly seasoned real estate professional and one of the senior-most industry leaders in Chen nai. Kanchana has close to two decades of experience in the commercial real estate industry in Chennai. In her long and illustrious career, Kanchana has advised some of the leading global occupiers, owners, and investors on their real estate strategies. 

A passionate and renowned industry leader, Kanchana joins Colliers with a focus on business development to build the scale of its transaction service lines in the Chennai region and drive exceptional results for clients. She will leverage her existing network of strong relationships with leading landlords, occupiers, and global investors to lead client relationship management in the region and expand Colliers’ client base to amplify the potential an d reach of the brand. Kanchana will strengthen the company’s existing transaction service lines in Chennai and identify opportunities to introduce new service line specialisations by hiring and developing the best industry talent. 

Chennai market is seen to be a strong market for occupiers. Overall office space absorption is reviving and gro wing better-than-expec ted. Absorption in Chennai during 2021 surpassed the annual gross absorption during 2016-2018 by 22%. This is attributable to a stro g fourth quarter, building on the momentum witnessed during the previous quarter of the year. Leasing is expected to gradually pick up, led by quality new supply.

Ramesh Nair, CEO, India & Managing Director, Market Develop ment, Asia, Colliers, said: “I am delighted to wel come Kanchana to Colliers and am confident that her track record, connections, and experience will he lp us be come markets leaders in Chennai. Also, Kanc hana is a ground-breaker in a traditio nally male-dom inated indus try and increasing the number of women in leadership roles is a priority at Colliers. We are pro ud that we have onboarded a top-notch, high calibre, and passionate talent like Kanchana.”

Kanchana Krishnan, Managing Director, Colliers India added: “We are at an exciting phase where real estate ma rkets are witnessing a tectonic shift in the way we look at the built environment, and these shifts are going to sh ape the Indian real estate market like never before.

I am very excited to be joining an enterprising team of experts at Colliers who truly believe in diversity and inclu sion. My prio rities will be to focus on improving market share and revenues and nurturing a high-performance ecosystem.”

About Colliers

Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading diversified professio nal services and investment management compa ny. With oper ations in 64 countries, our 17,000 enterprising professionals work collaboratively to provide expe rt real estate and inves tment advice to clients. For more than 27 years, our experie nced leadership with signif ica nt inside ownership has deli ver ed compound annual investment returns of 20% for sha reho lders. With an nual re venues of $4.1 billion and more than $50 billion of assets under management, Colliers ma ximizes the pot ential of property and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, our investors and our people. Learn more at: